Dear Facebook friends and family, I know many of you have been - TopicsExpress


Dear Facebook friends and family, I know many of you have been confused/perplexed by recent postings initiated by either myself or my family members. The rationale behind the intentional vagueness of these postings was to ensure that we, in no manner, jeopardize the legal process in its initial phases. Now that all four of the perpetrators of this horrendous, unprovoked, and completely random assault on me have been arrested and have undergone the arraignment process, I am at liberty to provide additional information-- which, will hopefully answer many of your questions. Three weeks ago, on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I was walking from my home to a local restaurant to grab some lunch. As I was walking, I approached four young men walking towards me. My intuition/sixth sense, based on years of life experience, was that they were walking with a purpose, and that this purpose was, more than likely, not a good one. We all have our inner red flag-- my gut was telling me that there may be trouble. In spite of my concerns, I decided that the best course of action was to nod a hello and continue on my way. After passing them and continuing further along, I suddenly heard the sound of running steps behind me. As I turned, I could see the electrical arch of a tazzer being engaged by one of the assailants and being pressed against my upper chest, just below my neck. The electrical jolt I experienced, rendered me nearly unconscious and was eerily reminiscent of the defibrillator misfires I had experienced years before. The jolt had knocked me to the ground. I recall getting back to my feet to trying to defend myself. As I did, three of the assailants tackled me simultaneously from the front. The forward momentum of their three bodies, combined with their body weight, drove me straight backwards onto a road curb. I will never forget the crunching sounds of my ribs. (a total of 16 rib breaks/fractures and the partial collapse of my left lung). At that point, I was defenseless, and there are only flash memories of a gun, punches to my face, kicks to my body, and verbal threats of killing me if I didnt give them money. Then, hands going through my pockets and grabbing my wallet, keys, cellphone, etc. When they looked in my wallet and discovered no cash, they became further enraged. It was at that point, I truly believed my life would be ended. Suddenly, a man yelled toward them. Whatever he said made them scatter. As I lay there alone and helpless, a wonderful elderly lady came over and knelt down on the ground beside me. She asked me my name and held my hand. She reassured me that I was going to be OK and that the police and an ambulance were on there way. A complete stranger-- as was that man who yelled and called 911. However, two wonderful people who were, on that particular day, my guardian angels. The type of people, as I think back upon the terrible events of that day, who helped me to maintain my belief that most people in this world are inherently good in their soul. Fortunately, I have visual memories of my assailants faces. Those memories, combined with a street surveillance video of the entire incident create a nearly rock solid case against these criminals. I have been notified by the prosecutors office that the defendants have been charged with aggravated battery, felonious assault, kidnapping, petty theft, possessing criminal tools, robbery, and trafficking. It is my fervent hope that the justice process will prevail. If there is an upside to this ordeal, it is that their convictions will prevent other innocent people from being violated, injured, or potentially murdered by these monsters. Thanks again to all of you for your continued positive words and support. Words cannot completely express my gratitude. (In Spirit...)
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:53:07 +0000

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