Dear Facebook friends and family! Tonight the french government - TopicsExpress


Dear Facebook friends and family! Tonight the french government announced a new victim in Northern Africa, one more victim killed by the ... state, a religion/movement that never existed and will never exist! Never! As before, when US and UK victims were becoming officially presented on TV and medias, we were all shocked, asking ourselves why this would ever happen? Just be aware that no negotiation is possible anymore! I love my friends regardless to their religion, you all know about Muslim friends and family are one of them! As well as my Jewish, Christian, Boudist, Orthodox, Mormon, ... family. All of you, my friends, are coming from different countries, different cultures, different religions, and this is why I LOVE YOU ALL! You make my day when I need you, I make yours when you need my support! WE ARE PEOPLE, no more... So please, like or not this message, for all people who want PEACE soon, and focus on more important topics as famine, unemployment, social development, environment, help handicap persons, education, health and many other main subjects. THANK YOU! Peace, love and happiness (Jimi Hendrix, Woodstock 1969) https://youtube/watch?v=m9Fia94-xGA
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:45:30 +0000

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