Dear Facebook friends and family; the following post that I am - TopicsExpress


Dear Facebook friends and family; the following post that I am about to make, I share with the public media because I feel strongly that what is going on in the spirit world and the medical world is a test of our faith and I choose to give God glory for what he is about to do. I awoke this morning after a good sound sleep even though it was very short I felt rested and such a peace that it was almost surreal. I picked up my phone and proceeded to check some messages. A dear friend of mine, and prayer partner for many years, Suzanne (Priest) Slack had messaged me a private message and shared her heart. As I read her note the tears began to flow but they were not tears of sadness or fear, they were tears of rejoicing and thanksgiving. God chooses to use His children to lift up one another when dark times strike our lives and threatened to rock our boat. So thankful that Suzanne took time to listen and let God flow through her. I am posting her note of encouragement and my response in hopes that it will encourage those of you who are praying and believing God for His Will and his Power to be made manifest through all that is going on. Sues note this morning ... Up with all of you on my mind and praying...yesterday at my Bible study with a small group of women at a B&B in Mactaquac, the teacher went to the story of the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years. The teacher took out a Jewish prayer shawl and put it on. She pointed to the 4 dangling tassels on each corner that is on every prayer shawl - and would have been worn most likely by Jesus. She said something like: Our Father is walking amongst us, just waiting for us to reach out to touch HIM. He is doing HIS part to make touching HIM as easy as possible. I was reduced to tears...God has made the way for us...HE is with you and Bro. Evans. HE sees the pain you, he, Scott, and Tonette have already endured regarding LOSS. So today I am praying for PEACE and then I am praying for HEALING. I believe that God is the creator of every cell and tissue and that HE can mend each one. This was my response to Suzanne- Sue, you have blessed me with your sharing and I will draw strength and an increased amount of Faith from your sharing this with us even in days to come . Tears are truly a language God understands. Tears and a renewed exercising of our Faith are causing us to continually reach forth for the Master and His ever Restoring Hands. There are three songs coming to focus right now, in my mind- Whose report will you believe?..... And Theres a healer in the house today....also Theres a promise coming down you dusty road. They are Classic Faith Builders and I will replay them over and over in my mind the next few days. The second day, as this was coming down on us, hubby shared this with his room full of our church supporters. He said for a little while, as each test result was being revealed to us, his thoughts were personal waves of resignation to the feared disease called cancer. Then part way through these feelings of personal despair he said something began to rise up within him, NO!!! MY God is still at work and I feel perhaps the stage is being set for Him to show His great power...!!!! Then with almost like an anointing, he began to share how he is feeling now an expectancy in the air and that he is choosing now to surrender to a feeling of unsurpassed reaching out by Faith and claiming victory in His healer!!! Suzanne, you could feel Faith in the house like an electrical current flowing from vessel to vessel..!! His eyes were lit up like that of a child on Christmas morning, waiting for what is about to be unveiled !!! He was literally lifting us all up with Him in his pursuit of where to from here God Sherri and Rob were literally wall- eyed with amazement at the anointing we all were feeling in that room..!! Then on the heels of that experience, the very next day, the tables seemed like they were beginning to turn. The report yesterday morning came back from the full body nuclear bone scan - all was Clear..!!! Then last evening around 6:00 the oncologist doc returned to hubbys room and shared that the CT guided biopsy report is now inconclusive because the three different tissue samples taken from one of his lung areas where they were sure the malignant tumors were, have come back with NO CANCER CELLS but healthy lung tissue only!!!! Sherri then said excuse me sir, so perhaps we could say maybe God is at work here? and he quickly responded with a quick reminder that sometimes these biopsies dont get to the affected tissue needed. So now on Monday they are going to go back for another CT guided biopsy of another area to see what they can get. As you can well imagine, Faith in our God and His mighty healing power is surging forward with great speed and force of a spring time water flow rushing through the Mactaquac dam. I feel the stage could be setting up for God to show up and show out His mighty power to Heal and Restore His children of Faith. Your message this morning has only added fuel to our fire!!! THANK YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to pour out your heart and share!!! Just a couple days ago, as the reports were being shared with us of all the places where it appears the cancer was found, here is what struck me. All I could think of was: OK Elijah said Go fetch more barrels of water to dump on the sacrifice and fill the trench around it... Make it impossible for this to be explained away. My eyes of Faith began to open and my despair started turning from a drowning and fearful sensation to a feeling of Faith saying....OK, medical team, its ok, bring yet another barrel of evidence and dump it on this case, its ok, cause Gods got this!!!! If He is setting the stage to Show Up, you can dump anything you wish into the equation, because Our God is MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!! He can supply all our needs, he is our El Shaddi, He ALWAYS LOOKS OUT FOR ME!!!! Oh Hallelujah..... Im fixing to get a praise dance on because I feel FAITH in the house!!!! I must close now and get myself ready for another day of unveiling What God has for us!! ;-) When you walk by Faith, satan is rendered helpless because he is NO MATCH for OUR GOD!!!! Again, Our God is MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!!! I really must close for now. Love you my sweet prayer partner, and thanks again for your sincere addition of fuel to our fire this morning. I feel I should almost begin a book of Praise to Our Providing God !!! Talk again soon... ;-)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:37:28 +0000

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