Dear Family & Friends, We are here... to that place that we have - TopicsExpress


Dear Family & Friends, We are here... to that place that we have been most apprehensive... but even in this place, the end of this road is so close we can almost touch it. We just got to participate and watch an 8 year old boy celebration as he stroked the gong here at the proton center; signifying crossing the finish line of treatment. Well be back here in 12 days! Over last weekend, there has definitely been a shift in all of us as we anticipate coming HOME ... even the thought of it causes me to well up with tears. I am realizing that I have not even allowed myself to consider home since we arrived; I guess so I could remain 100% focused on where we are. Please forgive me if the pictures are unsettling. Many have ask to know and see the details. Abls skin is changing and breaking down rapidly especially in the last 24 hours. These will probably be the last pictures until we are on the other side and I am showing off his new baby skin. He is on the radiation table now, with only 12 more treatments to go! He began the fentanyl patch for pain Saturday and thankfully has had minimal negative side effects and great success managing the pain. Today he began additional medication for the breakthrough pain and we met with the doctor for support on wound care. Nausea is mostly under control; tomorrow he starts chemo again. He lost 6 pounds and the consultation for the feeding tube is not available until 11/25 unless we end up in an emergency situation; so we are trusting that it will not be necessary. As a result, he persevering to get in more calories and ate solid food last night (oatmeal with blueberries) for the first time in almost 2 weeks. He said, I need to do what mom said and just shovel it in. An so he did, washing every bite down with water. We are grateful for your cards, texts, IMs, and voice messages. We are grateful for you and every indication and expression that you are walking with us. That very awareness that we are not alone is truly the most powerful motivator for each one of us (Noah and Sabbath included) to press forward through the next hour. Thanks for loving us so faithfully. We are eternally grateful! Michellle willing4abl/
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:07:55 +0000

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