Dear Father, We lift all those that are suffering in the world - TopicsExpress


Dear Father, We lift all those that are suffering in the world today. We ask for you to comfort all the grieving hearts. We thank you Lord that when we are suffering you dont give us a blue print or guideline to follow, you give us more of yourself. You dont just give us a bunch of words. you give us yourself. You are The Word that was made flesh and that dwelt among us. You are Emmanuel, God with us, you are as close as a breath away and you will never leave us or forsake us. We praise you for that, Lord. So many among us have felt the pain of rejection, of loneliness of being forsaken or cast aside when companionship, comfort and support was needed the most. We praise you for being closer to us than a brother and for never failing to keep your promises. Lord, people wonder where you are in the midst of their suffering...but you are with are the strong tower and refuge in the are the father to the are the counselor to the confused and are the healer to the are the provider for those in need. You stood alone when you suffered...there was no one there to deliver you from your pain and couldnt even get your disciples to stand watch for an know what it is like to be alone in suffering and you make sure we will never be alone...we need only call on you. You have your reasons for allowing what happens to have a plan and a purpose for us... and as your word says, your plans are for our good not harm and to give us hope and a future. We ask for everyone who is feeling sorrowful, confused, angry or alone, that they will find rest and comfort in you. We pray for healing... emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We ask Lord God for you to open your store houses and pour out your favor on every financial need. We ask for your peace to calm worried and fearful minds and we ask Lord God, that you would show us how to trust you have deeper faith... Pour out your blessing on your people we pray, Lord. Bind the enemy. He is just running rampant right now and we ask for deliverance and for a hedge of protection. Help us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on you. Please meet every need, spoken and unspoken and we thank you in advance for all you will do. In Jesus name we pray, Amen May you have a wonderful weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:49:25 +0000

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