Dear Fellow Patriot, Last night, David Jolly won a resounding - TopicsExpress


Dear Fellow Patriot, Last night, David Jolly won a resounding victory in his race for Congress in Florida’s 13th District. And it’s all thanks to you. Your steadfast support of Conservative StrikeForce enabled us to make a direct contribution of $5,000 to David’s campaign. And on top of that, you enabled us to launch a massive wave of get-out-the-vote phone calls into the state, reaching over 32,000 conservative voters. David Jolly carried this race by fewer than 4,000 votes, so it’s quite possible that our hard work made the difference between victory and defeat. My friend, this is an achievement that each and every one of us should be very, very proud of. David Jolly’s victory last night was a slap in the face to Nancy Pelosi and her big government, pro-Obamacare, anti-liberty, anti-prosperity agenda. It was a monumental “vote of no confidence” on the disaster that is Obamacare, and the Obama administration as a whole. But our work is far from over. The Democrats are amassing in Texas, in Virginia, and in key races all across the country. They are bound and determined to shove their liberal ideology down our throats no matter what. That’s why Conservative StrikeForce must be there to help our conservative candidates hold the line and defend freedom at all costs. We must be prepared to engage in races big and small throughout 2014. We have to provide the direct contributions, the get-out-the-vote calls, the TV and radio ads, and the national financial support network that these courageous conservative candidates will need to keep the liberals at bay. But we can’t do that without you. My friend, today I want to ask you to help us begin the next chapter of 2014 by making a very special contribution of $25, $35, $50, $100, $250, or more right now. You helped us achieve an amazing victory in Florida last night. But now, it’s time to take that power to the national level! With your help, we can prevail over Nancy Pelosi and her liberal allies. We can end the Obama agenda and take back our government. Together, we can save America! Please, help us hit the ground running this campaign season by making your most generous gift right now. Again, thank you so much for your support. I look forward to celebrating many more victories with you this year! For Freedom, Dennis Whitfield Chairman, Conservative StrikeForce PAC Former Deputy Secretary of Labor Under Ronald Reagan (1985-1989) Senior Vice-President, National Federation of Independent Business (1998-2002) Executive Vice-President, American Conservative Union (2008-2011) Paid for by Conservative StrikeForce (conservativestrikeforce), a Political Action Committee, and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Conservative StrikeForce PAC. Scott Mackenzie, Treasurer. 2776 South Arlington Mill Drive # 806, Arlington, VA 22206 Tel: 1-888-295-6480 Contributions are not deductable as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Who is Conservative StrikeForce? StrikeForce is a federally registered Political Action Committee created to assist conservatives in their campaigns across the country. We are not raising funds in conjunction with any campaign. All contributions will be used by StrikeForce for direct candidate contributions, independent expenditures and Get Out The Vote activities in strict compliance with any and all campaign finance laws. Our mission is to assist conservative candidates who are under assault by the liberal attack machine. Unsubscribe © 2014 AOL Inc. All Rights Reserved Accessible VersionStandard VersionTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyAbout Our AdsContext Sensitive Shortcuts
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:22:23 +0000

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