Dear Followers: The catch and release of MEEKA has created quite - TopicsExpress


Dear Followers: The catch and release of MEEKA has created quite the stir. I will post my final comment and then I ask that we please stop discussing it. If anyone was offended or appalled at the way it as handled, I apologize. However, at the end of the day... it is my property, my animals and my career I have to think about. EVERYONES OPINIONS ARE WELCOMED - whether they are for or against, however - I feel I should have the right to defend myself when I am called out as IGNORANT: Ignorance as defined by webster: adjective 1. lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated 2. lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular 3. discourteous or rude Although I lacked knowledge regarding the raccoon initially, I did in fact reach out to experts to ask their opinion. As Raymond stated, he was here and saw the raccoon was in no way tortured or distressed. It wandered into a trap inside of my garage. If my APPLES, LETTUCE and CARROTS insure the animal will stick around - then please explain to me what my CAT FOOD (INSIDE THE GARAGE ONLY) is doing for it. The raccoon was released, ran and the untouched fruits and veggies were given to the bunnies. As far as being a part of of colony it was said mainly in jest and purely meaning, I will not kill it because it ends up eating the left over cat food. As for NAMING MEEKA, I do so to remind myself that all animals, like humans are individuals with families and rights. They arent just a THING that I share this world with. So, yes... MEEKA it is. If someone here is infact a licensed wildlife expert... please stand up - but the ones I spoke to today were fully aware of capture, approximate time in crate (6-7 hours) and release. Although at 8am, I may have been the victim of #2 of Websters definition but I am now educated, informed and I dont regret anything I did. However, I choose to be #2 as opposed to the 3rd definition... As for the safety of my birds and rabbits. My birds are in a coop that my father, a trade carpenter built. It is built like a HOUSE and impenetrable. Thru trial and error their run is entire enclosed in hardware cloth, sides, top and BOTTOM... also impenetrable. However, on occasion I do let the birds free range. SUPERVISED free frange. However, a neighbors pit bull got loose, and killed most of my flock... UNDER MY SUPERVISION. The raccoon did NOT get to my rabbits... I merely said there was an ATTEMPT. I have 3 guard dogs who alert me as to when predators come too close to our charges. The same pitbull did attack my rabbits November 2013. I was in the hospital having just given birth to my daughter. I had sever complications with my cesarean (which landed me 8 weeks doing trauma/wound care daily) It was an unprecedented situation and the pitbull with tremendous force threw itself over and over at the hutch until a panel separated. The hutch has been since repaired and reinforced... a bear couldnt tear its way through. I have not only good intentions but an excellent head on my shoulder. You dont have to agree with everything I do, but to be so ignorant as to call me such - is unacceptable. There is a way to express your opinion without being...discourteous and rude.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:41:38 +0000

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