Dear Friend, Do you sometimes feel life isn’t fair? Do you see - TopicsExpress


Dear Friend, Do you sometimes feel life isn’t fair? Do you see others enjoying the gifts you long for and wonder why God doesn’t bless you, too? You may be tempted to think God doesn’t love you or that He’s not interested in the problems you face. Perhaps you struggle with an affliction or responsibility that limits you, making life difficult, and you wonder why He would allow such a burden to hinder you. This is especially difficult when you’re actively seeking the will of God, trying to walk in obedience, and living a life that is pleasing to Him. You may think you see an open door of opportunity, only to find it tightly closed to you. In such times, you may find yourself crying out, “Jesus, what happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I misunderstand You? This just isn’t fair!” I imagine the saints we read about in the Bible felt this way at times. For example, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, wrongly accused by Potiphar’s wife, and imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. He must have had moments of confusion and discouragement that made him question why God would allow him to experience such profound adversity (Gen. 37; 39). Today, we have the benefit of knowing the Father used everything in Joseph’s life to save the world from famine (Gen. 41).In the end, he was able to testify, “God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive” (Gen. 50:20). "Likewise, I have faced many challenges that seemed “unfair” but which were actually tools in the Lord’s hand to develop my faith and help me trust Him. Throughout my life, I’ve often questioned why my father died when I was nine months old. I remember watching with deep sadness as my friends interacted with their dads, wondering why I couldn’t have my father, too. But like Joseph, the Lord used my circumstances to draw me into deeper communion with Him. Years later, my son Andy confided something that touches my heart to this day. He said, “Dad, I probably reaped the benefits of your growing up without a father. When it came to raising us, you didn’t have a pattern to follow. You had to rely completely on God—and I am so grateful for your example.” When I think about how committed my children are to the Lord, I am able to express sincere thanks to God for allowing my fatherlessness to drive me to Him. Though you may be feeling the effects of a difficult situation as well, I want to assure you I understand the profound pain, uncertainty, rejection, loss, and even disrespect you may be experiencing. "However, I also want to encourage you the Lord has allowed this difficulty for a purpose in your life (Rom. 8:28). As we see in Joseph’s life, the Father often uses trials that seem unfair to teach us important lessons—and we can always be victorious if we will trust Him and follow His direction. So how do we make sure we stay in the center of His will when all things seem to be going wrong? 1. Remove any sinful attitudes or habits. Ask the Lord if there is any action or belief in your life that does not fit who you are as His child. If He brings something to mind, agree with Him that it is wrong, and cast the behavior or mindset out of your life immediately. Remain faithful to Him in the midst of every adversity because He promises to “make your paths straight” (Prov. 3:6). 2. Persist in prayer. Remember, your situation is meant to deepen your relationship with the Father. Therefore, communicate with Him often. Be honest with Him, and listen for His direction. Make it your goal to know the Lord. When you do, He will certainly direct your steps, mature you spiritually, and vindicate you. 3. Rest in God’s promises and practice His principles. There is no encouragement in the world like faithfully reading the Word of God each day. Through Scripture, you will be inspired and instructed by the lives of saints such as Joseph, who saw what the Lord was able to accomplish on their behalf, even in the most difficult and apparently unjust situations (Rom. 15:4). 4. Be patient. Trust God to work in His perfect timing. Yes, it may seem like the Father is taking a long time to help you; but remember, those who wait for the Lord will never be ashamed (Ps. 25:3). Friend, you may be facing a situation that appears to be unfair and irreversible. But do not lose heart or be afraid. Your circumstances are a tool used by your loving heavenly Father to grow and strengthen your faith—equipping you for higher service. Allow Him to use any adversity to draw you into deeper communion with Himself, just as He did with Joseph. God has great blessings in store for you and those around you. Commit your life to His hands, and trust you will “see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord” (Ps. 27:13–14). Prayerfully yours,
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 13:07:40 +0000

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