Dear Friend, Inevitably, there will be times in your life when - TopicsExpress


Dear Friend, Inevitably, there will be times in your life when you just don’t know what to do. You may feel overwhelmed by the questions that plague you and shut down—becoming paralyzed and unable to move forward. Or perhaps you lie awake at night, consumed by the details of your circumstances and rehearsing them repeatedly in the hope of making some sense of them. Either way, you feel trapped because you have no idea how to proceed. I can remember such a time in my life. I have never felt so alone. Confused and unable to discuss my difficulties with others, I’d get out of bed; kneel in my dark, quiet room; and cry out to God to help me, strengthen me, and change the situation that was causing me pain. I would ask, “Father, please don’t leave me like this. Show me what to do.” It is in those difficult, lonely times when we realize that our comprehension is not enough. We require understanding that is greater than our own. We need the Lord’s insight. Thankfully, we are promised in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” But perhaps you would say, “I have asked the Father for help. He just doesn’t answer me.” At times, it is true—His understanding is not given to us immediately. I can recall that at the beginning of that season of searching I mentioned above, the relief was neither swift nor permanent. Many nights I would return to my knees, expressing my anxiety and frustration. Though the Lord did not immediately provide me with insight, He did give me an awesome sense of assurance. It was as if He said, “Trust Me. It is going to be all right. I will not leave or forsake you.” He gave me enough peace to crawl back into bed and fall asleep. The next thing I knew, it was morning. Eventually, the Father did answer my prayers and gave me enduring relief from the problem that plagued me. However, His desire during that trial was to draw me closer to Himself and teach me His ways. The same is true for you. Whenever you experience seasons of intense seeking, be assured the Father is bringing you into more intimate fellowship with Himself. So how can you respond in a way that honors Him when everything is so difficult? First, you must seek God. As I said, His goal is to draw you into deeper fellowship with Himself. So whenever you find yourself thinking, “I have no earthly idea what to do,” take it as His invitation to discover His plans for you. Jesus promised, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7). He wants to show you His will, so approach His throne of grace with confidence. Second, meditate on His Word. The best place to find the Lord’s instruction is through Scripture. It not only familiarizes you with what God says, it also communicates His will to you. It is a safeguard because He will never direct you in a way that violates His holy Word. Therefore, when you feel as if the Lord is not answering your prayers, recognize that He may be teaching you to be more sensitive to His voice. This is a cue to open His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you (Rom. 15:4). And when He shows you what to do, obey immediately. Third, pray for the Father’s point of view. The Lord may often direct you in ways that make no sense, tarry longer than you think necessary, and present you with opportunities only to close the door on them. Yet you can be sure that no matter how confusing your situation is, none of it is by mistake and “God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20). Somehow He is fulfilling His plans for you through it. Therefore, ask Him what He wants for you to understand and rejoice when He gives you insight into His purposes, character, and ways. Finally, walk with the wise. Never underestimate the power of godly relationships (Pr. 13:20). Not only can spiritually–mature friends give you solid biblical counsel, but they can also model the disciplines you need to honor God. In the end, godly wisdom is simply the capacity to see things from the Father’s perspective and then respond according to the principles of Scripture. Observing it in the lives of your mentors and Christ-like companions can give you the courage and insight to incorporate it into your own life. So are you facing confusing circumstances today? Are you unsure of how to proceed? Does anxiety keep you awake at night? You may not know what to do, but God certainly does—and He wants to share His wisdom with you. Therefore, seek Him, meditate on His Word, pursue His viewpoint, and walk with godly friends. His answer to your prayers may not arrive immediately, but it will come. And you will certainly benefit from what He teaches you. Prayerfully yours, Charles F. Stanley P.S. The struggles we face are not uncommon. We know that everyone faces overwhelming situations and paralyzing uncertainty at one point or another. My heart is broken, however, for those who cannot turn to Jesus because they do not know Him as Savior. But through your partnership, you are making a difference. God works through your prayers and gifts to take the gospel around the world and to teach people the hope He offers. May God bless you as you continue to seek and obey Him.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:38:09 +0000

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