Dear Friend, On July 12, 1985, Ronald Reagan’s presidency - TopicsExpress


Dear Friend, On July 12, 1985, Ronald Reagan’s presidency came to a screeching halt. The public didn’t know it. The press didn’t report it. But he was prepared to resign his office to Vice President George Bush Sr. The reason why? He was diagnosed with three deadly forms of cancer. Few knew this. And even fewer know what happened next... But the events that followed changed the course of America forever. What’s more, the secret treatment that saved President Reagan could save the lives of 580,000 Americans who die every year from cancer. And if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ANY form of cancer, President Reagan’s story could change your life forever. Hello, I’m Al Sears, MD. I’ve devoted my life’s work to seeking out and bringing you remedies for some of the most challenging diseases of our time. Remedies and cures you won’t hear about from the medical establishment... or anybody else. Yet in all of my time I’ve never seen anything quite like the secret cancer cure I’m sharing with you today. The story of how it saved Ronald Reagan’s life is virtually unknown. But the details behind it are shaking up the medical establishment in ways we’ve never seen before. In fact, for reasons you’re about to see, the media NEVER reported on the president’s REAL treatment, or explained how his cancer disappeared. You see, instead of seeking conventional cancer treatments like chemo or radiation, our heroic president took a different route. He bucked the medical establishment to pave his own path. And it’s a good thing he did. Because if he hadn’t, America’s beloved 40th president may have died WAY too early. And America would be worse off today as a result. Instead, Reagan opted for an alternative cancer therapy. One I call the 8th Element Protocol. And thanks to this little-known treatment, he returned to office stronger than ever. He came back ready to take on the Soviets and other enemies of America. He finished out his second term with incredible victories like the one that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. And here’s the incredible part... With this treatment, Reagan experienced NO hair loss... NO nausea... And NO disfigurement from surgeries. He lived for another 19 years, and died at age 93... but NOT from cancer. In short, Reagan was 100% cured without pain or side effects. This would have made front page news if it wasn’t such a threat to the cancer establishment. And this was far from an isolated incident. In fact, 6,100 independent studies confirm that my 8th Element Protocol: Can cure ALL 213 types of cancer – at any stage Has ZERO dangerous side effects And can safely be treated at home – without a physical exam, doctor’s visit, or prescription President Reagan’s case was NO different. And here’s the thing... he was FAR from alone. The Cancer Cure of the Wealthy 1%... Now for Everyday Americans As always our brave 40th president inspired others to follow his lead. All told, 12 million cancer patients have been cured with the 8th Element Protocol. That includes royalty, wealthy individuals, and the who’s who of Hollywood. Just take a look at just a small sample of these wealthy elite... Jack Nicholson Elizabeth Taylor Cher Princess Haja of Jordan Siegfried and Roy Suzanne Somers Jennifer Lopez (who financed her aunt’s successful cancer treatment) Jack Cassidy (the bass player from the 60s rock band Jefferson Airplane) George Hamilton William Holden Anthony Quinn Each have used the 8th Element Protocol to rid their bodies of cancer, at various stages. If it works for them, I’m 100% certain it could work for you or someone you love. That’s because you don’t have to be rich or famous to take advantage of it. Far from it. In fact, this cancer cure... Doesn’t require expensive doctor visits or physical exams Takes only ONE minute to apply It’s natural - so Big Pharma can’t patent it It’s available to ALL Americans. And best of all, treatment costs only $1.08 a day! Compare that to typical cancer treatment, which costs $350,000 in America. That’s for ineffective, painful, and dangerous therapies. In other words, you need to be rich to die from the cancer industry’s treatment! So why haven’t more people heard about the 8th Element Protocol? Banned for 70 Years... A cure like this threatens to bring down the entire $173 billion a year cancer industry. A famous German physician, Dr. Horst Kief, once said: “If [the 8th Element Protocol] was patentable, it would be used in every physicians office, and in every hospital in the world.” But they can’t patent it, so they can’t profit from it. That’s why Big Pharma and the FDA do everything in their power to censor the 8th Element Protocol. It’s why they’ve banned this cancer therapy for the last 70 years. And it’s why they persecute doctors who try to fulfill their Hippocratic Oath and treat their patients with it. But I have good news. “In the FDA, the drug companies have representatives on nearly every committee. If there’s something which may be very effective but may undersell the average drug company, of course they’re not going to be very pleased if it gets developed. And the [8th Element Protocol] is obviously inexpensive to produce; it’s very potent and if it works half as well as the Germans say it does, everyone should be using it.” — Dr. Michael Carpendale, MD, pioneer of the “8th Element Protocol” and professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of California School of Medicine There’s a way you can (legally) sidestep this ban and even cure yourself or a loved one with the 8th Element Protocol. And you can do it 100% safely and effectively. In just a moment, I’ll reveal the simple 8th Element therapies you can use yourself... Starting just minutes from now... to effectively rid your body of cancer or ANY disease, without side effects. Are these therapies right for you? Well, it doesn’t matter your stage, or type of cancer. In fact, even so-called “hopeless” patients can beat cancer with these treatments. And here’s the thing. To begin using the 8th Element Protocol: You don’t need to spend a lot of time or money. You don’t need doctor visits, prescriptions or physical exams. And you don’t even need health insurance. But you do need ONE thing... The courage to stand up to people who tell you that chemo and radiation are the ONLY way. Just like President Reagan did. But before I reveal the full details on the 8th Element Protocol, let me show you how thousands of everyday Americans are already joining this underground revolution. They’re bucking the FDA ban. They’re saying NO to the cancer industry. And they’re saying NO to chemo and surgeries. All told, 15,000 doctors worldwide use the 8th Element Protocol to treat cancer and all types of diseases. They’ve successfully cured over 12 MILLION patients from Sydney to Paris. That’s why 14 states are legalizing this cancer therapy. Yet the media, which relies on $27 billion of Big Pharma’s advertising, won’t even begin to touch this story. Although the number of successfully cured patients is absolutely astonishing. Here are just a few examples... “The main ‘drawbacks’ to [the 8th Element Protocol] are its simplicity and its minimal cost. The medical industry relies on therapies that are costly and require substantial expertise in their administration. Anything that comes along that appears clinically effective while remaining inexpensive is viewed skeptically, at best. The systematic and ongoing efforts at spreading disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds.” — Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, cardiologist and John Hopkins biologist Over 12 Million Patients Cured Francis Guido loves to garden. One day she, “no longer felt good.” Pancreatic cancer. Blood work and CAT scans every 4 months confirmed its continuing growth for a year and a half. Finally her doctor told her there was, “nothing more we can do,” and sent her home to die. She had no energy, couldnt get out of bed, or brush her teeth. Food would stick in her throat. She prayed over her dilemma, and the name of a local integrative physician, Dr. Redding, popped into her mind. By this time her throat was so closed off she stopped drinking water. Dr. Redding treated her with the 8th Element Protocol over the course of just one month. When she returned to her medical doctors they scanned all of her organs and bones, from head to toe, and couldnt find any trace of cancer! A year and one half later, she looks so much younger, alive and vital, no one recognizes her at the supermarket. She reports: “Im not dying! The stuff works, but you have to want to live, and continue doing it.” And Francis is not alone... Take the case of William Lee. Hes 69, he loves fishing, hunting, yard work, and working with flowers in South Dakota. He had four heart attacks, and after a stressful period his cancer of six years ago flared up in his colon, stomach, blood, and prostate. His doctor treated him with the 8th Element Protocol for seven months. As William said, “It is doing its job!” His doctor reports hes free from the cancer, his heart is improving tremendously, and all previous heart pains have disappeared. And Dr. Shelby Perman recalls a breast cancer patient in her 70s who came to see her in February 2004. She also suffered from multiple diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and obesity, among others. This women had already gone through conventional treatment with ZERO success. So Dr. Perman treated her using the 8th Element therapy. And afterwards, the patient treated herself from home. Several months later, her cancer 100% disappeared! As Dr. Perman recalls, “She called me last week to tell me she had gone for a mammogram and her breasts were completely clear. Nothing. No tumor masses at all. This is a woman whose doctors said they could not do anything for her, go home and die and left her floating in the wind.” Her new blood work also showed no diabetes and an incredibly good blood count. These are just a few examples. In fact, I have a cabinet full of files from similar cases, each with similar results, each testifying to the 8th Element Protocol and its incredible curing power. If it works for these folks, and 12 million others, it could do the same for you or someone you love. So, at this point, you might be wondering... “What Exactly is the 8th Element Protocol?” Well, for reasons you’re about to see, I can’t share ALL of the details on the 8th Element right here. So to access this groundbreaking research, I’ve created a special FREE dossier... The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer Inside, you’ll find specific ways you can use this safe therapy to cure yourself, or a loved one of cancer. I’ve made this dossier available online. In just a moment, I’ll show you how and where you can access it. But here’s the thing... I’ve limited our openings to ONLY 500 new readers today. So you’ll need to act fast before this handful of spaces fill up. To be sure, if I allowed everyone to access the 8th Element Protocol, the FDA could crack down hard. They could shut down my practice. They could even revoke my medical license. They’ve done so to dozens of top doctors in the past. No surprise. After all, trillions of dollars are made from diseases NOT being cured. Men will resort to any means with this kind of money at stake. That’s why I’m limiting the number of new openings. And that’s why I can’t tell you ALL the details right here. But... I can tell you this: The 8th Element Cancer Cure is a God-given resource. In fact, it’s the earth’s most abundant resource. The very source of all life. One that’s essential to our survival. Of course, I’m talking about oxygen. Now, stay with me here... I know that might sound hard to believe. How could something so basic, something we take for granted in our everyday lives, possibly cure cancer? Well, 91 years ago, that’s exactly what German physiologist and medical doctor Otto Heinrich Warburg set to find out. He was the first to discover the healing, disease-curing power of the 8th element on the periodic table: Oxygen. And his conclusions were downright astonishing. Look at how he addressed a prestigious gathering of Nobel Laureates: “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” In other words... “The Lack of Oxygen is the #1 Cause of Cancer” That in itself is pretty incredible... But what about the solution? According to Warburg, “It is indisputable that all cancer could be prevented if the respiration of body cells were kept intact.” In short, supplying your cells with oxygen not only kills cancer cells and tumors, it blocks future cancer cells from forming. It’s that simple. These findings were so revolutionary they won him the Nobel Prize in 1931! And since then 6,100 independent studies have confirmed Warburg’s Nobel-Prize discovery. Institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Baylor have studied the curative effects of oxygen. More than 100 new articles are now published every month on it. This includes a German survey of 5.5 million 8th Element treatments, which found ONLY 0.0007% suffered from any sort of negative side effects. That’s 7 cases out of 1 million! Where else, in traditional or alternative medicine, is there a cancer therapy this safe? Yet the $173 billion a year cancer industry has buried this Nobel-Prize winning cancer cure for over 80 years. The Nobel-Prize Winning Cure for Cancer... Banned in America In fact, a decade after this discovery, their cronies in the FDA outlawed therapy using oxygen. It’s so bad the agency even persecutes highly respectable doctors who try to implement oxygen therapies. These doctors are humiliated and painted as quacks. Some have even had their medical licenses revoked. That’s in spite of the amazing results they’ve achieved! In Warburg’s own words, “Nobody today can say that one does not know what the prime cause of cancer is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse for avoiding measures for prevention.” He said that 50 years ago! And since then millions have died from cancer, after suffering from the pain of radiation and chemo, in order to fatten Big Pharma’s wallets... even as the very cure was sitting right in front of our faces. It’s downright disgraceful, shameful, outrageous! Warburg thought so too. This is how he concluded his Nobel Laureate presentation: “How long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field.” “In the meantime, millions of men and women must die of cancer unnecessarily.” Yes, how long will millions of men and women be sacrificed at the altar of Big Pharma’s earnings sheets? Well, if you’re still reading this presentation, it doesn’t have to be you, a loved one, or someone you know. All told, 12 million people have enraged the FDA and Big Pharma by becoming free of cancer. And today, you or a loved one can join them. Banned for Regular Americans: The Outlawed Cancer Therapy FDA Officials Use To Cure THEMSELVES! While the FDA has banned the 8th Element therapy in America since the 1940s, highly respectable doctors report treating FDA officials and their families with the very same treatment they banned for Americans. According to Dr. Hans Neiper, the world-renowned German cancer doctor who administers the 8th Element therapy, “You wouldnt believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover.” But it even goes beyond that... Neiper continues to list off some of his patients: “Directors of the American Medical Association, or American Cancer Association, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. Thats the fact.” Yet everyday Americans continue to die from perfectly curable diseases. You can use the miracle of oxygen to rid your body of ALL types of cancer – FOREVER. So does that mean you can cure yourself by going outside right now and inhaling as much air as possible? Of course not. In fact, for shocking reasons you’re about to see, this could actually INCREASE your risk of cancer. Instead, there are dozens of very simple therapies – ones you can apply at home – to boost oxygen delivery to your cells, and treat ANY type of cancer. These therapies allow you to sidestep the FDA’s absurd ban and Big Pharma’s “slash and burn” cancer treatments. I’ve included them in my FREE dossier, The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer. But before you can get your hands on this unique research, please allow me to fully introduce myself. Over Three Decades Finding Safe and Effective Cures As I mentioned earlier, I’m Dr. Al Sears and I’m one of the first board-certified, anti-aging physicians in America. I travel over 23,000 miles each year to help my patients and readers. I’ve pioneered non-traditional ways of treating and preventing illness. That includes ways of preserving and reclaiming the power of youth. It’s this mission that ultimately led me to the oxygen cancer cure and its 91-year old discovery by Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Otto Warburg. But my research didn’t stop there... After some digging through PubMD – a database which holds every single medical article ever published – I uncovered thousands of prestigious journals, studies, and articles confirming Warburg’s discovery. In fact, there’s so much published data about the disease-curing effects of oxygen, a quick Google search of “oxygen cancer” turns up over 37 million results. Dr. Al Sears, M.D. Uniquely Qualified to Keep You Healthier For Life Dr. Al Sears, M.D.Dr. Al Sears, M.D. currently owns and operates a successful integrative medicine and anti-aging clinic in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, with over 25,000 patients. His cutting-edge therapies and reputation for solving some of the most difficult-to-diagnose cases attract patients from around the world. As a graduate of the University of South Florida College of Medicine, Dr. Sears scored in the 99th percentile on his MCAT and graduated with honors in Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Physical Medicine. After entering private practice, Dr. Sears was one of the first to be board-certified in anti-aging medicine. As a pioneer in this new field of medicine, he is an avid researcher, published author, and enthusiastic lecturer. He is the first doctor licensed in the U.S. to administer TA-65, the most important breakthrough in anti-aging medicine today. Media appearances Today’s Research Confirms Oxygen Holds the Key to Curing Cancer
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:06:46 +0000

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