Dear Friend and wonderful Sister. Please allow me to share a - TopicsExpress


Dear Friend and wonderful Sister. Please allow me to share a testimony with you in prayer that it will be of some comfort during this time of difficulty in all of our/your life..Allah is present in our/your life to bring us through these overwhelmingly challenging times.. I truly know that Allah is the best of Planners! The information below is meant for inspiration purposes only. Chris Wark (Chris Beat Cancer) I am determined to beat you over the head with encouraging, inspiring stories of healing. So here’s yet another awesome interview from the Healing Strong conference with my friend Kay. Chemo nearly killed her, but nutrition is working! She is healing her pancreatic cancer. This was a sweet, wonderful interview. Meeting people face to face that you’ve unknowingly helped in their healing journey can be a bit emotional. So yeah, I got a little choked up at the end. (Shocker) Here is Kay’s story in her own words… Our lives are a series of ups and downs. And when things are kind of just going along uneventful, I always wonder what is going to happen next? (good or bad) I can remember at the end of the year 2011, wondering what the year 2012 would hold for us. I did not expect what came next. The first Sunday in January, 2012, my pastor, Max Lucado, began a sermon series entitled, “You’ll Get Through This”. I immediately had my defenses up and thought something must be coming… Two weeks later I was in the ER diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. It was a type of cancer the doctors rarely see and no one knew exactly how to treat it. I had nine tumors in all. One on my liver, 7 floating in my abdomen and one on the 1/3 of a pancreas I had left. (2/3 of my pancreas was removed with my spleen and a volley ball sized tumor in 2006.) The doctors were not optimistic and pretty well let me know we had to be aggressive in trying to treat this, I didn’t have time to waste. Even though the first doctor was ready for me to pick out my casket, I confidently told him “No, it was going to be ok.” I remember feeling that God was going to heal me. It was a surreal moment to have this diagnosis. It had been one of the great fears of my life. God was allowing me to face it head on and to know that HE is greater than my biggest fear. My husband stayed with me in the hospital all night and prayed over me. He had two visions of my healing by God’s hand. Through the next year he would hold on to those visions no matter what I was going through. I had a strong belief in God answering my prayer for healing. That trust. Belief. Has to be to the very core. No doubts. I had friends all over the world praying for me. I wanted Him to get the glory for all of it. I started searching on the internet for cancer cures. I found several. The first two were The Gerson Therapy and Renae Caisse’s Essiac Tea. However, since I knew no one who had experienced these and like everyone else, all my life we are informed and led to believe that doctor’s know best and most cancer is “ treated” with chemotherapy, I followed my doctor’s direction. February 1, the day before my 50th birthday, I started chemotherapy. All the while, there were people praying for me all over the world. ( We lived 13 years in the Middle East) I believed prayer was going to make a huge difference. I believed being thankful and believing God was going to make a huge difference. I trusted Him. He sent me little God winks along the way. I wish I had wrote them all down now, so I could remember them because they were often. For example, the day I was at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston. I was doing my usual sitting in the waiting room praying for all those multitudes who were sick around me. But I felt like I wasn’t quite as close to Him on this day. I prayed, “God where are you today”. Then we got called in, weighed and a CHRISTIAN nurse ushered us into an exam room to wait. I looked up and there on a white board, the only thing written was an arrow pointing up with the words, “Trust Him”. From Feb-Nov 2012, I went through 7 kinds of chemo, 3 oncologists, and one clinical trial, with absolutely no positive results. I had just about every bad side effect you could possibly get from chemotherapy and still be alive, I almost wasn’t during the month of May. All during that year, God kept bringing into my life the same message of natural healing via various avenues. I kept pushing them aside, not sure as to what to believe. After being divinely led, in September I began taking Chlorella, Spirulina and Vitamineral Green all by Healthforce. Within two and half weeks, I had peach fuzz on my head—my hair was growing back in the middle of chemo! My blood work was good…I felt great! My doctor wanted to know what I was doing and would always check under my wig for the progress of new hair growth. By the end of November, I was in a lot of bone pain due to destroyed bone marrow. I had had enough. I stopped the clinical study. Along about that time, boxes started arriving at my house from a friend overseas. A juicer. Hundreds of dollars in supplements. A coffee enema Kit. Fifteen pounds of organic coffee. And lots of letters of instructions. She had a friend heal from cancer using the Gerson Therapy and wanted me to do it as well. The boxes sat there for two months before I actually began using them, bought the Gerson book and started the protocol. Two and a half weeks later, cat scans showed a 20% reduction in the cancer! My doctor and all the nurses were so excited. Everyone wanted to know what I was doing. My doctor told me to keep doing what I was doing and come back in three months. Along about this time, my best friend from WA called me one day and said hurry you have to turn on the tv. There is a guy on Rikki Lake who has healed naturally from cancer. It was Chris. Since then, his web page and all of his wonderful information has been a companion of mine. And I recommend it to everyone. I kept eating vegetarian foods, cut out sugar, salt, meat and dairy, took lots of supplements, detoxed with coffee enemas several times a day and drank 10 fresh vegetable and fruit juices each day. I went back in three months, for more CT scans. Again, there was a reduction in the cancer. And that was after year’s worth of chemo that did nothing but destroy my body. My doctor was very impressed and told me to keep doing what I was doing and come back in six months. I am due to go back in December of this year. I started out using a Juiceman Juicer that my friend sent to me. Later I bought an Omega Vert Juicer and that is what I currently use. I hope to upgrade even more as time goes. I use the Gerson recipes for my juices. You can find these on Gerson. I drink 3 green juices a day, 3 carrot and 4 carrot/apple juices. Three to four times a day I take a “coffee break”, our name for the coffee enema time. I usually do one first thing in the morning, one or two midday and then one in the evening. I never thought I could do a coffee enema, especially on a regular basis. But after the first two, it became easier and more routine. My friend gave me some good advice about how to perform these comfortably. One piece of advice I always use was to lie in the bathtub in a few inches of warm water. It is very relaxing. The coffee enemas make me feel better. Then my daughter prepares a days worth of supplements for me in little cups that I take once each hour for nine hours. Some of the books I read while traveling this journey were: The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, A Cancer Battle Plan by Anne E. and David J. Frahm, God’s Way to Ultimate Health and The Hallelujah Diet both by George H. Malkmus, The Gerson Therapy and Healing the Gerson Way both by Charlotte Gerson, Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health by Gene Stone. I am currently reading Cancer: Step Outside the Box by Ty Bollinger. This is an awesome book, loaded full of information! I have also been changing the way I eat. Cutting out meat, sugar, salt, dairy, and processed foods. Trying to eat all vegetarian. This has been challenging at times. But I am learning to cook this way more and more. I found two great websites with wonderful vegetarian and raw foods recipes on it. One is ohsheglows and girlonraw These have been very helpful. Great tasting recipes! Taking care of me, keeping on my protocol takes a lot of work and attention. But I feel blessed to be using what God provided for me to heal and not sitting in a chair somewhere letting liquid fire run through my veins as it destroys my body. These are choices we have to make. I choose life! I feel wonderful. I have a full head of soft new hair. I still keep up my every day health protocol. And I tell everyone I can about healing the way God intended with the foods, plants and herbs He has provided for us since the Garden of Eden. I have also learned a lot about so many people healing from cancer as well as other degenerative diseases including heart disease and lots of others, through eating vegetarian and juicing. This is the natural way that God provided for us to heal. He provided for redemption of our souls and our bodies clear back in the Garden. He knew these diseases would come and He provided a way out. He always takes care of us and provides for us. The herbs and vegetables that are nutritious to our bodies were given to us to take care of ourselves. We don’t need to give ourselves chemicals to try to heal…that doesn’t even make sense. Our bodies were made to heal themselves. Through this journey, I have learned so much about How very much God loves us and takes care of us and how much we can trust him for all things. I also learned a tremendous amount about gratitude and being thankful. It is important to be thankful even as you pray for a miracle and a healing. Trust Him with a grateful heart and as you are praying, don’t doubt. I have to say, I would never have wanted to go through the rest of my life if I had not gone through this past year and a half. Here are a list of some of my supplements I take large doses every day: Healthforce brand Chlorella and Spirulina and 10,000 mg per day of Truly Natural Vitamin C. These are tremendous sources for revitalizing new cells, detoxing, providing tons of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. I encourage you to go on their website and read about these products. Essiac Tea from Essiac Canada Intl. Basically because I like having the pill form and I wanted the original formula. Curamin, Curamed, and Tri Iodine from Terry Naturally support many organs, the immune system, and protects cells from oxidative stress and free radicals. Curamed has a high concentrate of Turmeric which cancer patients should be taking. IP6 Gold for immune support Zymactive Double Strength Proteolytic Enzymes. ALL CANCER PATIENTS SHOULD TAKE proteolytic enzymes. If you have cancer at all it is because your immune system is broken and your pancreas is sick. Potassium powder and Key Glands liver from thekeycompanyusa I take zinc, a multi-vitamin, Ubiquinol (strong CoQ10), a probiotic, zinc and a few natural things for my diabetes. If you would like more specifics you can email me at hopeinthegarden (at) gmail I have had so many people calling and sending messages to want to talk to me and get information, that I had to start a blog. You can keep up with me at kayshopeforcancer.blogspot. Thank you Chris, for allowing me to share my story. -Kay January 2014 Update: Hi Chris, I just wanted to tell you the good news. In Dec. 2012 my cancer markers were well over 400, in June last year they were over 200. In Dec. 2013 my doctor never even checked my markers, he just wanted me out of there. I had the cancer marker blood work done on Friday and received the results today, they are 48!!!!. I know its still not below 35 but so much better than over 400! I am so grateful and excited!!! Thank you so much for talking to me for a while in December. It meant a lot. I had several bits of bad news in December and you truly helped me get refocused on my precious Lord who heals and takes care of me always in every way. I had grown so close to him in my walk and was learning and growing. Strong holds were being broken down in my life and then…it is awful how fast you can take your eyes off of him and fall into the water. You’re so sweet. And I love your heart and all that you do for “the cause”. I continually keep you in prayer and this whole mission of getting the truth out so others can be well. Oh, and please put some of your recipes in your book. Hope all is well with you and your family. Love and blessings. -Kay Related post: Ann Cooper healed pancreatic cancer with nutrition in 2001!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 21:50:10 +0000

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