Dear Friends:- At the beginning of this year when astronomers - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends:- At the beginning of this year when astronomers predict that 15 April is the beginning of the eclipse prsrk corporate world as well as statements in the media began arriving astrology experts. They say that this kind of eclipse happens when the Earth, Sun and Mars are in the same row. This configuration results in the color of the moon becomes red like blood. Some people like the color of blood and the end of the world views the moon as a symbol of Jesus appearance, but after an eclipse when the moon turns red, then the kingdom of the Jews receive the golden Naveed attribute. Bloody eclipse full moon eclipse is called. NASA in the years 2014 and 2015, Blood Moon has confirmed that about four times the moon will appear periodically. With this worldwide debate mynyhudy Kingdom teaser was very intangible way, which is now being brought by the evolution of heat. On April 15 this year for the first time and the second time on October 8 bloody moon in the sky will be seen a preview. This unique view has had a week in April. This mnnzr up until that time, the distance between Mars and Earth 20 million were not a million miles. Reported that during the last five centuries, there have been bloody eclipse occurred three times. The Talmud is written in the holy book of the Jews when the eclipse is a bad omen for Israel, he is the shadow falls on the sword, but, it is also a sign of our victory. Jews do not believe in astrology but zahralm by two thousand years of the study are the red eclipse. Eclipses of the sun and the moon and the Earth changes observed can be studied in the light of their holy books. For this purpose, a cell has been set up properly, which in the past were too bloody eclipse shows a configuration Israel, but their faith was always a disaster in the disaster sure to conquer the hidden is several times in history has been so. The bloody sight of the moon during the religious festivals of the Jews always happens. The previous two Jewish religious festivals throughout the eclipse occurred, twice in 2014 and twice in 2015, once dgr are taking place in those days. It happened three times in the last five centuries in a year when the eclipse began two bloody so bloody moon climbed two next year. 93-1492 Queen Isabella of Spain in the first and Ferdinand conquered by the Jews, Christians and Muslims were forced backwater lying and who has not been a massive sword and made a slave. Jews, especially the week business and was forced to eat pork. The time series of the blood moon eclipses, 50 -1949, beginning in the State of Israel was established and the Government of David became guryan Israel attacked the Arab countries combined. If four red moon climbed 68 -1967 third Arab-Israeli war broke out. In this war, Israel and the United States, two thousand years later, Jerusalem (Jerusalem) was captured by the Jews. Wait for the last several years a series of four bloody moon again risen on hopes that the world is established. The red moons of Jewish belief is quite complex, where the moon eclipses in the years of the tragedies they face due to their financial stability and good governance are also considered. His prose is just the manifestation of joy after sorrow I bring is. In April 2014, the first of twenty-first century it is bloody eclipse. During the seven-day festival known Yiddish was released. Prepare special food festival and the Jewish synagogue (Cinagog) give the sacrifice. October 8, 2014 will go up to the second bloody moon. The Jews Burnhams famous religious day is coming, which is coming at the end of Yom Kippur. Visit the Jewish holiday of Egypt and their forty years in the Sinai desert, facing lay-by, as the memory mark. Blood Moon, the third in the new year will rise to 4-April 2015 and Yiddish coming days. The bloody Fourth Quarter 2015 to September 28, will appear in the days to come and Scotti. What will be the global scene in the background? If other people are thinking of him where he got the idea that the Jews of Israel will start a war and Israel will be victorious at the end. Prayers in mosques across Israel and then the Wailing Wall, the traditional gryy continues, on the other hand, under the working media Tragedy and then Triumph of the process is known as the first fear The healing work. The underlying buried before the media begins under the Jewish philosophy is that the United States will not be able to keep peace in the world, therefore the world moving to Israel now has to end terrorism in the United States, Israel was angry at the time but now it is not difficult to understand that Israel October 2o14 long before the brutal attack on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip began, they were and why? . He also says that the action hurt Muslims residual test was a test case. In this test case scenario that the Arab Spring was humbled, he also described this year are the bloody moon. Pakistan and the moon carkuny I know that all of Pakistans nuclear explosions since the Jews have been forbidden sighed, so it will not be wrong to say that the situation of the Arab Spring, daas after their original target Pakistans nuclear assets, including the well-known book Obamas Wars in Pakistan during 2014-15 was how the year is to be deprived of their nuclear program. Israeli and American media curious about their future predictions are presented, the factors behind their immediate need is to understand. Israeli media reported that a fear of success philosophy is to work for four years prgzsth aurbhar sanh Arabia is a branch. If this is true, then Pakistans rapidly changing political, social, economic and military situation in the background and the foreground is a dire need to put much more. Three days before we proceed to treat the number of New Delhi, Islam and the West , dated 16 April 1991 by Maulana Maududi was an important article titled Jews fourth project, a few quote read, it is possible to understand these concerns, which are still up in the minds. He writes, The thing actually posed a danger to the Islamic world, the Jews, the fourth and final project, for which two thousand years and are eager for which he worked 90 years as a regular scheme have. The two most important components of the project are: (a) qbh ibn al-Aqsa Mosque and build down to the Temple Solomon built as it bayr not committed to their holy places. Second, it will occupy the entire area, which Israel considers its legacy. The second part of the project is that the concept of inheritance, the entire country (Palestine) to be captured. What is the legacy of the country? These are the words of Israels parliament, O Israel! You are far beyond the borders of the Nile . Description of the project that the Zionist movement has been published maps. It means that Israel wants to occupy areas of the Nile in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and the entire region, a large part of Iraq, Turkey, and the southern region (Listen to combat liver) to Medina, Hejaz including the upper area . He further writes, can not be saved to the mosque at the time of the occupation of the Jews in Jerusalem and the temple area is not safe unless the Jewish occupation of Palestine. The real problem of the Jews to Palestine is liberated from the domination of rape. After disclosure of the facts, not just the Medina Mosque bill to prevent the risks, and the only remaining case is that all the worlds Muslims, and the power to counter the threat Jewish To permanently save the locations to be incorporated . But Muslims have a glimpse of the latest situation. Recently, the United States and the West in the media Mr. David D. Patrick Creek appeared an analytical thesis, according to which more dangerous than Israel and the Hamas organization is worse. Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Kuwait and the mission to crush Hamas, Israels supporters have been . The report noted that the current issue of Gaza to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, with the support of the proposals, the Palestinians and Israel over Netanyahus objectives are compatible. Western and American media in Saudi Arabia is an Arab country, but it was so much repetition that is now coming to understand that the baby who is. It also says that the Western media is a problem that some groups in Syria, including strategic and financial support to the United States after the air strike was called on the Syrian proposes crush the jihadist organizations dominated ranunku be, the United States now feels that assures the fact that this country, in exchange for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Arab countrys elected government was overthrown by the military, financial and political support of the Gen Al Sisi . Although the agenda of the United States, and the result of the Arab Spring, was changed kzanmyn . Now the situation is that the U.S. and Israel on one side, on the other hand, Jewish Arabs use it for their own corporate media locker humiliate those cases also. The thighs as well as the Muslim Ummahs problems with Israel, apathy and indifference to the world and bring the intangible. For example, in order to save power thigh and secretly support the forces of disbelief, by which it appears to vilify . In mid-August 2014, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa, which was also reported in the media. According to the Grand Mufti of the three organizations as terrorists and Islam, their names daas, are Al and Al Nasr Front. Daas abbreviation wealth aslamyh Iraq evening as well. The international press, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) says. The Islamic Caliphate is actually announced. The fatwa in Islam but secretly appreciated the assistance of these organizations has expressed concern over the process. These organizations and many other Muslim countries, Israel secretly supported the Muslims is disturbing. This problem is happening in a rage and feelings of revenge is creating. In such angry passions rise further enraged the public and their organizers are also draws. The philosophy of Israel following the bloody moon, its a secret project implementation starts now Muslims, who have shown a blood thirsty, how will unite on one platform? It is also reported that some of the alienation effect an organized Jewish lobby 31 bases around alsryfyn conspiracy is on foot. Other dangerous conspiracy that the Red Sea (Red Sea) to take over, so that the Red Sea, on the east bank of Mecca and Medina, the two centers are located. History has also proven that the king abrhh across the Red Sea, the evil sought to demolish the Kabah, which has always been a sign of disgrace. Hadith of Abyssinia before the judgment of Allah on those who would attack, they will pass through the Red Sea. This is why Israels navy chief said, We are working on a project which resulted in the Red Sea would subdue us, and his name will be placed Israel Indian Jewish or Indian. All plans and conspiracies of the Jews who are part of the planned conspiracy against the Mecca and Medina are. Therefore after the first against the dangerous plots Therefore engaged. In this context, we present the current situation of Pakistan, he firmly out, requires the removal of political instability. These two goals can not be achieved as long as the political leader of the country, between the feet and the military is not coordinating. Nawaz Sharif from JIT to Angelas third term if the fence is to be analyzed or the political turmoil in Pakistan is increasing concern. The countrys economic and social level, it is also the story of confused. It also says that if a neutral analysis of the causes of the overall situation in the country from external factors, corruption and violation of merit is the most important. Groupings, self-interest and the plunder adopted the overall situation and arms filling ceremony has given us full protection of the thighs. Wailing Wall The location of the ancient city, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Temple in the Jewish memorial, crying in front of the peal of the Jews is a religious duty. According to him, this place is actually a wall, destroyed the Temple of Solomon is being saved. Visiting it is extremely important for the Jews. Two thousand years ago the Jews begged her visions were standing in front of the wall, hence the name of the Wailing Wall fell, the Muslims Buraq Wall, known as. Near the wall of the Jews is a holy place of worship. It is also known as the stone. According to several Jewish rabbis, Jewish feet can not keep anything sacred stone, which does so he is tormented. The faith of the Jews at the Wailing Wall stones in the opposite direction near Shar alkas water. According to Jewish tradition, the Prophet David Abraham built the Wailing Wall Wailing Wall, and the present is built on the same wall, whose history reaches past the Temple of Solomon, but the call of the mosque wall. Muslims believe that the fact that the wall of the enclosure is forbidden to by Miraj, Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Pvt Buraq and stayed the same location. In the time of Hazrat Umar defeated not only all Christians were granted amnesty bills that were given equal rights to the Jews, was released in all regions including the Western Wall and the Temple of Solomon, the Holy were made. Strengthen the Western Wall and the arrangements were made over to the Jews. Jews today are pleading and crying, touching the wall are beat, repent and ask for forgiveness. The survey indicates that the Western Wall, the wall is strong and healthy, take care of it now that the Jews themselves. Now its facing the wall but shes Jews kuahanhyn complete and stable build. Today, posters on the wall of prayers and needs to be seen is the new trend. Jewish prayer online through Facebook messages have invented a unique way. According to a media report Wailing Wall of the Jews praying for how to get it down on paper your needs and wishes pasted on the wall is assigned. Jews created a page on Facebook, in which users are encouraged Jews inside Israel and outside it, register your prayer on Facebook. Jewish volunteers from this page on the wall to get their needs print paste. It is a Jewish organization, Youth for jyrusylm is being organized. The whole world, especially Israel Jerusalem Jewish youth are associated with the move to keep. Wailing Wall of the Jews through Facebook messages to access a part of the organizations projects. Facebook inspires Israeli organization widely Jews have written their prayer needs. Pictures of the wall in the background of this page are shown from different angles. Some Jews believe that the prayer will be posted on the wall, which will be written by hand on the computer print some liberal Zionists are also justified. Zionism Zionism is a movement whose goal is the reconstruction of the Jewish nation. Awake or zayn (Zion) Jerusalem (Jerusalem) is a part of. He has been called the City of David in the Bible, the Jewish symbol of revival and the Israeli government understands. Centuries ago when the Roman Empire collapsed and the Kingdom of the Jews deported Jews from the time they return to Palestine and to establish their state are dreaming again. For centuries they have kept this dream in my heart. In this period, wherever they are and wherever they place their faith and maintained their distinct identity. The Industrial Revolution started in Europe, he came out of his shell. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, under a strategy very much successful in bringing other nations, but the Jews did not abandon his dream home. معاشی سطح پر مضبوط ہونے کے بعد جب وہ یہ کہنے لگے کہ چوںکہ وہ ایک الگ قوم ہیں اس لیے ان کے واسطے ایک علیحدہ وطن ضروری ہے، تو اُس پر کسی نے بھی اعتراض نہیں کیا مگر مشرقی یورپ کے یہودی اپنی پرانی ضد پر قائم رہے He used to say that his Palestine will be chaos in the world, a new beginning. شروع میں صہیونیت کی تحریک سیاسی نہیں تھی بل کہ محض تہذیبی تھی لیکن جب تھیوڈور ہرزلی نے پہلی مرتبہ باقاعدہ تجویز پیش کی کہ اقوام عالم کی یہود دشمنی کا مقابلہ کرنے کے لیے ایک یہودی ریاست کا قیام ضروری ہے تو اُس کے بعد صہیونیت کے اہداف بدل said. Bell will stand alone in the city in 1897, the first Zionist Conference in Switzerland, and thus its branches were established in those countries, where Jews were already adequate. These activities have taken an active part in the American Jews. It was the time when the first crack Jews of England in 1905, suggested that the conference should not be a Jewish homeland in Palestine, it may be somewhere else. From the UK to Uganda (East Africa) region were presented, but the majority has rejected the proposal. The movement led by majority leader uyzman been organized. Uyzman the Ottoman Empire (Turkey sultan) to win rights for the Jews in Palestine then increase their morale. Turkey in the First World War, was allied with Germany against the Allies. Balfour was then British Foreign Minister will stand and he was influential in British politics, although he issued a proclamation, in which he pledged the full support of Jews in Palestine, they would be can. With World War I, when Germany defeated Turkey to the east of the region was divided between France and England. Palestine was occupied by the British and the Jews in Palestine in large numbers began to change residences. After World War II, he caught the movement of Zionism and the State of Israel with the help of the UK was established. Then the movement displayed by Israel has separated you from the cover of the movements relationship to the Jews of the world, that is until now. This organization is still the worlds Jews to organize cultural and educational activities and other countries have managed to send the Jews to Israel. Moreover, the right of Israel to the United States and European countries to promote their ideas are collected, organized and funded. A major objective of the state of Israel is so vast, that the worlds Jewish settlers. As a result of this expansion, the millions of Palestinian Arabs and the stateless Palestinians have made the most important global issue. Promote Zionism in Eastern Europe, in particular the role played mynahm Paras dispute, the Jewish political term Jewish issue is called. Similar action against the Jews in Russia in the Zionist movement, we played loose. Jewish influence in the United States and Europe, and in the other hand yhuudyun Tanvir movement (belief that such flexibility would be acceptable for Europe, or do not give much importance to the social issue of Faith) failure spurred the development of Zionism. Fostering the generation stanh movement was based on the principle that the original inhabitants of Palestine to the Jews can be delivered right away. Subscribe to the Zionist movement and secular Jews, religious Jews are no longer any difference. Any member of the Jewish Zionist movement until he consumes their skills to accomplish their goals, which was established for the Zionist movement.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:47:57 +0000

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