Dear Friends- Below is a strong speech for peace that Jason - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends- Below is a strong speech for peace that Jason Cardenas delivered at the post-Climate March Party at Winstons in Ocean Beach tonight. He was representing our San Diego Chapter of Veterans for Peace. John. _____________________________________________________________ Greetings Vets & Associates -- A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak on behalf of VFP for the Climate March post-party @ Winstons in Ocean Beach. I accepted and prepared a well-thought-out speech for the event -- with a bit of help from my buddies Will Griffin and Jim Summers. The speech went well, although next time I think Ill prepare and not read from a script (I had written). I was more than happy to represent VFP today at this event. I was hoping to see some of our chapter members there, especially the seasoned ones, but no one showed (with the exception of my Post 9/11 brothers Will & Mike, and my lovely partner Jamie [a VFP associate member]). Im hoping, for future events, that we better promote our members when theyre given the opportunity to publicly speak. Its important that we support one another, and make a public presence whenever the opportunity is afforded for VFP to engage publically. We already do an excellent job of that, and Im hoping that we also continue to support each other, even for smaller-scale events. Thank You Jim Summers for granting me this opportunity. Below is the speech I that I presented this afternoon.: Greetings, my name is Jason Cardenas, and I’m a member of Veterans For Peace. Veterans For Peace is an international peace organization, comprised of veterans of various generations and supporters, whose mission is to spread the message of PEACE and to expose the TRUTH about the COSTS OF WAR. Today, WE are at war, and not only with our fellow human being, but also with our PLANET. WAR and CLIMATE CHANGE ARE INEXTRICABLY TIED. As WE continue to mindlessly extract and kill one another over our planet’s resources, we are witnessing and feeling changes in the climate that are drastically affecting the tangibility of our precious resources. It is important that human WAR ends. When WAR with our fellow human being ends, so will the war on our PLANET. CHANGE STARTS WITH US, and as a member of Veterans For Peace, my mission is to assist my organization in WAGING PEACE, and HEALING the wounds of WAR. Nearly 2 weeks ago, our President declared, without the consent of Congress, that the US will continue to wage its unjust war in Iraq, thus resulting in more innocent deaths, and further economic devastation, both here and abroad. As we demonstrate, peacefully, our dissent and discouragement over the most recent announcements, others do not have THIS privilege. In days to come their homes, their livelihoods, and their freedoms will be threatened by US airstrikes and drone attacks. These attacks to “stabilize the region” and “weaken the influence of ISIS” will not solve the problem. Rather, these airstrikes are seeds to plant, yet, further warfare. Innocent people, children, mothers, fathers, siblings, families, and friends will be killed. The survivors will HATE the US and its allies. And how could we blame them? We will continue to create our own enemies, if we continue on the path of WAR. I am a veteran of the Iraq War. Being a veteran, and an activist, affords me a unique perspective. I have seen, first hand, the horrors of war and the human and financial costs. I have blood on my hands, blood of both my brethren and the so-called enemy. Most of all, I have moral wounds that could never be healed. Although, it is a day-to-day struggle to cope and make sense of my actions, these experiences have enriched my capacity to comprehend the world around me, to empathize, and leave me vulnerable – so that I could continue to search for meaning and truth. Truth does set one free, and, what I’ve been finding in my searches for meaning, is that REAL freedom is LOVE and unity – it is cooperation, and not competition. In reference to PEACE; PEACE starts with, not just organizing, but ACTION! ACTION for PEACE! ACTION to preserve this planet! One of the first steps to take ACTION is EDUCATION. Education is knowing your laws, constitution, and your rights, here in this country. EDUCATION is one of the most important aspects of taking ACTION. First, We must know, and understand that the President’s most recent declaration of WAR is in fact ILLEGAL by US and international law!!! The President, alone, does not possess the power to make such declarations. Congress must accept the responsibility that the Constitution gives them and them alone, to declare war. It must not be delegated, however much they might like to duck their accountability. The US Constitution also makes all treaties signed by the President and ratified by the Senate coequal with the Constitution as the highest law of the land. According to the UN Charter and other international treaties, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are illegal. The US supported wars waged on Gaza and Palestine are also illegal. Israel’s far-right political establishment, with the support of the US, continues to act with impunity. The UN Charter strictly states that ANY country, especially operating within UN jurisdiction, CANNOT wage war unless authorized by the UN Council, and so far none of the wars in the Middle East have been authorized!!! Our country is defying international and US law to wage war. What do we do? We must ACT and hold our government responsible! We start by contacting our congress representatives, and emphatically expressing our concerns over the illegal declaration of war made by the President. Going through political chains of command, and even, if we’re lucky, gaining the attention of our local legislatures is a good thing to do, but is this enough?? Apparently not. What else can we try? Money is a strong medium and having financial assets could afford the activist community empowerment. Pooling our resources makes us stronger-- raising money for strong campaigns, lawyers, and even electing representatives that could hold our leaders accountable for their illegal actions. How do we get the money … well, that is up to US. Pooled donations, grants, awards, and soliciting contributions from sympathetic groups can help strengthen our CAUSE(S). Raising money is essential, and WE have the power to utilize OUR money to extend our CAUSES. For financial and other reasons, organizing ourselves together multiplies our voice. Individuals are easily ignored. Rallies and marches like this one, especially when coordinated across the nation or the world, are important, but long-term organization is also important. Setting up strong 501c3s and c4s can enhance our abilities to raise money, educate and inform the public, and build support for peace and a sustainable planet. They can extend and magnify our political presence, and allow us to influence political and corporate decision makers in the US and around the world. So, what must we do? Stand up, speak up, ante up, and act up TOGETHER! We can and MUST change the world! Best, Jason Cardenas, MSW University of Southern California
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:40:59 +0000

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