Dear Friends, Collective Family > We as a People, We as a - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Collective Family > We as a People, We as a Collective Consciousness, We as Corresponding Micro Organisms > Always present > Always Existing Here and Now > Experiencing > Developing > Growing > Living > Dying in this current time segment of our Immediate and Ever Present > Ever Connected > Living > Breathing > Universal Artery Node or Galactic portion which composes a Section of the Whole. We, Most Beloved Souls, Most Cherished Vital Micro Organisms, Brethren Emerging and Ever Ever present, Love Sourced, Emerging Custodians and Soon to be in Direct Confronting > Acknowledgment and Adherence of the Universal Laws of Nature, Maintaining and Assisting in A Collaborative Multi Level Functioning Effort Forging Directly On-wards > Participating in the Unfoldment and Expansive Healing of Our Own Internal Structure and in Unison Contributing to the Universal Body > Cells > Seeded in this Vibrational Level of Matter and Existence of the Universal Organism Functioning in Tandem with the Will of One Another by and in Accordance with the Will of our Immediate Solar System, those Participating Knowingly or Unknowingly > Aware or Unaware > of and in Unison with our Celestial Brethren, Beloved Guardians, Universal System Administrators > Positioned Within the Different Levels of Inspissating Matter > Rarefied Antimatter> and Neutralizing Semi Matter > Vibrating at any Infinite or more Subtle Levels of Vibration Composing a Portion > Corresponding Parts < of the Will of Creation, In Multi Mega Finite Higher Levels of Awareness in never-ending Collective Effort of Repair whilst Maintaining in Unison the Corresponding Parts of the Universal body > Deemed Causal Executors of the Universal Law’s Effective Existing Immune System Antibody Components Maintaining it with Indisputable Precision . And as a result of the Universal Law we are carrying with us > All the Potentials, All the Possibilities,All the Gifts, and All the Outcomes from Below > “We intend” to Reintegrate Ourselves Resolving to Coexist in Higher Levels of Vibration > Re-Becoming Functioning Infinite Micro Cells Participating as Equals with and within the Galactic Common Wealth > Having Noted above the most Essential Direction our Preceding Step is taking a Complete Accountability of Our Every Fractal Moment We Ourselves in Collective Contributing Expansion and Transmuting our most Prominent Features To and From > Together and Apart however Far but Near > Brought forth as a Result of the Laws of Eros ][-Love+[[ = Inherently built in the ALL and I proceed from the Below State of the Matter where We are Experiencing the What the Where and the Who We Are > The Inherent Love of Self Moves to > Love of Our Immediate Family > Moving to Our > Love of Country and Continuous On Into > Love of Planetary Collective Family > Love of Divine Planetary Living Organism Gaia and out to the Universal Components forming the Collective Macro Cells and Living Suns, Stars, Macro Structures. “Love” as defined by Virtue and Wholeness Combined with Truth and Purpose. Courageous Living Ones Examples who Contribute through their Inner calling of Living Thinking Manifesting breath >”Duty”< = To Commence, To Suggest, To Assert, To Implement > a One or Many Actions Inevitably Moving them into more Subtle Understanding allowing these Ones to Pierce through each and every Obstruction, Each and Every Trap, and Each and every Falsity resulting in Conscious Resolve Bound by Flowing through Portals > Subtly Moving in and through the Arteries purging in the Infinite Universal Maintenance Systems as a result of Our Connectedness to the One Source and Corresponding Parts thereof > Pulsating Vigorous Always Present Agitative > Motivative > Non Coagulative > Collective Energy. We > Us carry an Irrefutable, Inescapable, Unwavering, Uncompromising Duty to Comply with that which engages our Intentions with and for the expansion and Antibody of Creation thus before us Here and Now is > A Seemingly Ceaseless never ending list of fundamental requirements providing us an Opportunity to Examine that which we Create and in turn > Dismantle the Things which No longer Serve us or our Collective Body. We Inherently know that the Will of the ALL Seeks those Components which Preserve and Fertilize the Vitality of the Functioning Body of the All Encompassing Whole > Meaning that We Move > We Fly by Necessity > Vibrating in Intervals prescribed by our Time Segment > Fluctuating by > Micro Second To Macro Second > Moment to the next Moment. And with this Deliverance of a Most Fundamental Basic Overview of Who What and Where We Are, We Cannot Ignore or Stifle Ourselves in the Resolution of Maintaining a Dormant position in our Current State, If in fact, that which we strive to accomplish genuinely bringing those treasures a new Tree, sadly will never come to bear any fruit should we not recognize those complexities > Visible and > Non Visible forming critical bouts of tumeric fragmented Implosions arising as a result of the present Imbalances Visible in our Domain as If to Continue on this Path is likely resulting in Continued Deteriorating Conditions of Unrest, given birth by the so called top 10 Mutilated re-packaged Belief Systems, Theories, and Programs = Causing more anti Catharsis the External Condition begins to reveal itself and as such recognition of the Conditions we do later understand these are leading to the Possibility of failing to Maintain the very structure which provides the fundamental need of a collaborated effort to maintain the corresponding Macro nodes of the Universal body. On a finer more refined perspective, some of Us are proceeding in a fashion which is likely comparable to A Collective Vehicle a Collective group of ones which seek to once again Fly and whilst the majority portions are indiscriminately stuck in their own stupor of Ignorance, Distraction, Molested Ideas and sound sleeping conditions, bringing into existence the expected outcome and Will be as it has been > More of the Same > Same of the more fractalized virus’. For the Interim, We Wait, We Watch, We Yield, We Move, We Proceed, We Stop, We Deliver, We Deal. When the Precepts are False, The Conditions Remain as such = False. In the event that One may venture to Contemplate in the midst of what is lacking Here and Now leading one to sense or the belief of that which may be Seemingly Constant, Loses its Name (physical) though strengthened by What is Seemingly In-constant, and is regulated by that which is infinite (Spirit) which through its connectedness to the One source, infinitely Vies for Internal, need to progress slowly but consistently moving through portals of knowing and thus may be felt as a process of continuous bouts of deaths and rebirths in an effort to transmit inherent memory existing as a result of its connectedness to the Universe and its other functioning and non functioning cells. Logical deduction is a process where one is able to sequentially extract pearls from sea mud. On another level, Logical deduction, can be likened too an internal component or tool which allows one to reduce a variety of internal possibilities through the process of strict internal introspection and internal questioning. May also correspond to the likeness of a filtering process which is seeking collaboration with the Eternal, Infinite, Always existing One Source through questioning and in correspondence thereof, or dialog with the internal one Source.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:35:15 +0000

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