Dear Friends, Feeling so blessed and grateful. :) Last week - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Feeling so blessed and grateful. :) Last week was my one-year anniversary in business. Was just promoted to the highest permanent compensation level, qualified for a company-paid BMW, and received some corporate recognition - all after only 12 months. Im so thankful for your friendship and support and for my amazing team. It is humbling, a privilege, and an honor to serve many of you as clients and to be business partners with some of you. My life and heart is so full. Thank-you. I would be remiss if I did not share with you an incredible opportunity my company is offering for the next 24 hours to anyone who has ever thought about starting a home based business. Through tomorrow, (6/30), theyve reduced the ONE-time registration fee to only $75, allowing one to become a broker/agent. (half of the normal $149). We are poised for explosive growth and in need of many more independent agents & brokers across the country. This means you can start your part-time business with a personalized web/ecommerce site set up within one day, corporate support, training class, team support, and materials all included. We can help you to be in profit-mode after helping protect ONLY one-two families with memberships. (Ive helped six new agents to accomplish this within the last month.) Imagine if a coffee shop or restaurant could be in profit mode after only serving one-two customers! Its unheard of in the business world. How many times this week have you seen the news or heard someone talking about identity-theft? Who do you know who doesnt have an up-to-date will? What if you could be paid daily for helping people to solve these challenges? Please listen to a three-minute overview at 518.530.1390. It may or may not be for you, but it may bring someone to mind. I cannot wait to help mentor several of you personally. You may be sick of your job, you may need a job, or you may be a busy mom or dad looking to supplement your income while raising your children. As a single mom, this business has allowed me to work it around my commitments and still be successful with part-time effort. Please text me at 520.270.7397 or email dianeinaz@yahoo after listening to the three-minute overview and I will be happy to help get your questions answered. Blessings.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:34:27 +0000

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