Dear Friends I am pasting here an appeal from Narmada Bachao - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends I am pasting here an appeal from Narmada Bachao Andolan activist Alok Agarwal who is the AAP contestant (Lok Sabha) from the Khandwa (Madhya Pradesh)seat. He has massive support from the valley where he has been working for many years among the dam displaced people of our country. We could never imagine that we would ever in our lifetime be inspired to take part in an election campaign, but now that the finest movements in our country have put up their candidates, we are in the thick of things very enthusiastically! I do hope to get a warm response from my FB friends. Other details of how to send support ( only Indian donors) can be communicated personally to those who will respond. Here is the appeal! And Ill send you the links if these ones are not active, as Ive copied the text from my email.You can view Aloks page on FB. Three painters from Bhopal will soon have a group show in Burhanpur to support this heartwarming campaign! Dear friends, We are writing to you to support Alok Agarwal, leading activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan and an alumnus of IIT-Kanpur (B.Tech. Chemical Engineering, 1989 batch), who is standing from Khandwa Lok Sabha constituency in Madhya Pradesh for the Aam Admi Party (AAP). Relinquishing a lucrative career, Alok joined the Narmada Bachao Andolan soon after graduation. He has, over the last 25 years, together with other activists, led large mass struggles of lakhs of dam displaced peasants, workers, fishermen and boatsmen of the Narmada valley against the destruction of their livelihoods, especially those affected by the Maheshwar, Indira Sagar, Omkareshwar, Man and Upper Beda dams. Through persistent struggle on the ground, and in the Courts, the movement has been able to score important victories. However, all through these years, the people had to face large-scale deprivation of their rights and entitlements to land and proper rehabilitation, and brutal repression by successive governments led by the Congress and the Bharatiya Janta Party. It became painfully clear to the poor and ordinary people of the Narmada valley that their elected governments, instead of representing them, are batting for large corporate interests, thus they could expect little justice from the governments led by these parties. Naturally then, after the Delhi elections, when the AAP established its credibility in democratic and responsive governance and its ability in the public interest to take on large companies violating people’s rights, the belief of the people of the Narmada valley in the political system was renewed and they decided to support the AAP, and support Alok for the Khandwa Lok Sabha seat. As a part of AAP’s manifesto for Khandwa, Alok promises to continue his work to secure the livelihood rights of the landless workers, farming, fisher-people, tribal and Dalit communities in the region. In addition, he will work towards ensuring availability of water, electricity, schools, and health-care to all, as well as raising the quality of these services. He will act to reverse the process of privatization of water. In line with AAP’s core promises, he will work to eliminate corruption in government and business functioning, and to promote employment and communal harmony. People’s real issues will be identified through a decentralized governance process, and the same would be taken up and solved at various levels – local to state. The small and medium business and trading people too will be provided adequate protection so that they can carry on their business efficiently and in an honest manner. To sum it up, Alok and the AAP-Khandwa team promise to change the governance paradigm from ‘rule’ to ‘service’ (raj-neeti se sewa-neeti). In the last 25 years, Alok has led an extremely dedicated and frugal life, surviving on a slender honorarium starting from Rs. 800 per month initially to Rs. 5000 per month at present, and acquiring no property, not even a bicycle. We urgently need your support as volunteers to come to Khandwa and help in campaigning for Alok. Whatever time you can give will be invaluable. Please send out our appeal widely among your networks and fill in the following Volunteer Registration Form: As we are working on a shoestring budget, we also welcome monetary donations. In the next few days we would send out the details for the same. This is the facebook page of Alok: https://facebook/pages/AAP-Candidate-Alok-Agarwal/233059003565687 (you can also access Volunteer Reg. Form on this facebook page). We look forward to your support. With warm regards, Chittaroopa (94253 94606) Bhagwan Bhai Rahul (96633 76767) -- 2, Sai Nagar, Mata Chowk, Khandwa - 450 001. Madhya Pradesh
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:47:22 +0000

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