Dear Friends, I am posting my formal note on my withdrawal in - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, I am posting my formal note on my withdrawal in Marathi and in English. This one is the English version: Vinita Deshmukh For the last couple of years, our country has been witnessing a major political upheaval and turmoil. It all started when crores of alert and upright citizens, angered with the corruption prevailing in all fields, rose and came onto the streets across the country to support the demand for passing a powerful anti corruption law in the form of the Jan Lokpal Bill. Being a journalist who has always gone beyond the columns to support the cause and a Right To Information Act worker myself, I have always believed in transparent governance and committed myself to the cause of eradicating corruption from all walks of life. This belief of mine prompted me join the andolan and indeed I received an overwhelming support from Punekars, especially the youth. It was then that I realised that the citizenry strived for clean, non-corrupt politics and efficient, people friendly governance but such was the state of affairs that when it came to voting they were being forced to choose between the devil and the deep sea as dominance of existing political parties left little space for other alternatives. It was then that I decided to join Nav Bharat Democratic Party, a new generation political party launched by people who shared the same belief as mine. It was this belief which resulted in announcement of my candidature for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections from Pune. Ever since my candidature was announced, I have been campaigning to bring in political awareness among the people and canvassing for the need to vote for non-corrupt, clean, transparent and efficient governance. I have received mighty support from the media and many citizens in my endeavour. However, lately, many a people and political outfits sharing the same beliefs that I hold are getting actively involved in the election process. If all such like-minded individuals and political parties were to come together, it would have been a formidable political force in the arena of elections. However, despite my efforts to bring in such unity, this possibility appears to be a distant dream. Therefore, in these elections, one can expect an increase in the number of parties and independent candidates contesting the elections. This is slated to defeat the cause of anti-corruption mission as large number of candidates professing same ideals will result in confusing people, dividing votes and thereby helping those people so despised by the citizenry, to win and come to rule again. Considering this, I have decided not to contest the upcoming Lok Sabha election and instead concentrate on working on building pressure through my campaigns on those in power to utilise their powers in judicious and transparent manner and to give efficient governance and clean administration. I take this opportunity to thank the leadership of Nav Bharat Party, my colleagues, the media and all those well wishers who invested their faith in me and stood by me and my belief. I am sure they would support my decision and continue to be with me in my continuing attempts to ensure transparency in governance and clean politics through my journalism and activism. I would also life to make following appeal to the voters of Pune: Please cast your vote. It is not only a matter of exercising your franchise but also a duty towards your nation. Failing to cast your vote is encouragement for plunderers of the country. Use your good conscience to decide who to vote for. Remember in the present fluid political situation and days of politics of convenience, every vote cast for criminals, corrupt people who have no regard for you is a compromise with the future of the nation. If you want your children to grow up in an economically developed, socially progressive, corruption free, communally integrated, harmonized, and strong nation, ensure that you exercise your franchise and vote for the right candidate. Vinita Deshmukh
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:38:45 +0000

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