Dear Friends, I am writing you today on behalf of our sweet - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, I am writing you today on behalf of our sweet mother Pat Rawls. She asked that we pass along to you her decision to enter into hospice care. She is tired of fighting to live. Her quality of life is gone, and short of a miraculous change in her status, chances are she will never enjoy a healthy life again, at least not on this planet. Her choice was made after heart to heart talks about the present conditions, and the future prognosis. Mom knows the Lord Jesus as her personal savior and He has given her a peace so that she is not afraid to die. We talked about Heaven and those who are waiting for her over there. Spiritually speaking, her bags are packed and she is ready to go. As I write this I am reminded of her journey these past months. On December 22, 2011, as she was on her way home with her Christmas groceries, looking forward to a 4 day weekend, a drunk driver pulled out in front of her leaving her no option but hitting them at 40 mph. Her vehicle was totalled and she suffered injuries to her ribs, hip, leg, ankle, numerous fractures and bruises. These injuries led to her losing her job, and then being forced to sell her home because she could no longer negotiate stairs. She was a trooper and endured months of physical therapy and treatments, but this incident was the beginning of a dramatic decline in her health. Since January of this year, she has been taken to the ER and admitted to the hospital numerous times. She has been admitted to the nursing home for rehab following each in patient stay and struggled through the pain of trying to build up her strength again each time in hopes that she could go back to her apartment and resume somewhat of a normal life again. She has had far too many uncomfortably bumpy ambulance rides, that she never enjoyed. It is impossible to guess the number of times she has been stuck with a needle, im sure it is in the hundreds! She has endured numerous scopes and procedures, a fractured spine and broken ribs, and even fought to recover from a major surgery on her stomach which required her to be on a ventilator for several days. We were told more than once that “she’s not going to make it this time”, yet she continued to fight… While I dont want to see her go, I cant blame her for being worn out and ready to give up the fight. She has endured more than most people could while keeping a sense of humor and a gentle spirit. All of her care givers have spoken of how sweet she is and how she never complains. I dont know how long it will be before God sends his angels for her; only He knows that. But, I ask you to pray that she will be comfortable and at peace for the days she has left. She will receive her hospice care at NHC in Springfield, TN. If you want to see her, Im sure she would enjoy your visit. We covet your prayers.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:28:00 +0000

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