Dear Friends, I hope my letter finds you in good spirits. I - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, I hope my letter finds you in good spirits. I accidentally found Atlantis and met Lynn Saunders a few months ago and have been a regular visitor and contributor to this centre since then. I came to Atlantis with many many years of struggle and a string of failures where all paths I took lead to a dead end and I never saw any light at the end of the tunnel. After all these years of trying and fighting my way through, I decided to pull back, close my eyes and simply let go, and see where the Universe takes me and that path lead me to Atlantis. The realisations I have had since then lead me to found Bhagvad Yoga. This practice has lead me to this grand unfolding which I am witnessing in my life, where all obstacles are being removed and I am on a path which leads to creating one of the biggest companies in the world. Its not just about material success, through this practice I have experienced a state of inner bliss and joy which cannot be described in words. As many of you must be aware that I do not derive any monetary benefit from this practice and never will. There may be many others for whom the paths they traverse is filled with obstacles, many others who have resigned to the fact that their desires can never be fulfilled and many others who believe their dreams cannot be manifested into reality. I ask the Universe to allow their paths cross with mine, and if they are aligned to my teachings, help them witness such bliss, fulfilment and achievement in their own lives in their own way. Additionally, I had the realisation that most spirituality focussed businesses struggle to get success that they deserve. Other businesses of all kinds have large number of networking meetings which business owners religiously attend and which leads to new business, partnerships, clients, new ideas, help, deals and much more for them, but there is no such platform for businesses that are spiritual in nature. So to help such businesses reach their true potential I founded the Spiritual Business Network. I invite you all to join this network and start attending the monthly meetings regularly and see where this journey leads you after some time. The thumb rule I follow in my life is to first evaluate the ratio of risk and reward before taking a decision. If the possible rewards are great but risk is less then it becomes a no-brainer decision. So think about this, what is it that you have to lose from attending such networking meetings which non-spiritual businesses are desperate to join and attend. The leading business networking group for local businesses charges hundreds of pounds and kicks members out if they miss a meeting or two, and people queue up desperately to wait for their turn to become members, and sometimes they have to wait for months for one member to be kicked out so that a vacancy is created for them. Why? The worst case scenario is that you only get to socialise with some like minded people and enjoy a slice of pizza, nothing else. Then on the other hand what is it that you could gain in terms of business benefits? Networking takes time to start producing results, just like any other form of marketing. So you would not suddenly get a string of clients within your first meeting, but in the long run what do you think would happen if you keep spreading your message amongst like minded people and meet more and more new people who are aligned to your business intentions? The advantage of such a meeting is that everyone who comes there comes with an intention to offer something and to seek something, and by laws of Universe there is always a possibility of alignment amongst some members. I have vast knowledge and great skill in areas of technology and business, and I love to make a difference in the lives of people or companies. I am also a professional, trained and very experienced mentor, coach, advisor and consultant. You can benefit from this knowledge and skill by using me as mentor, coach, advisor or consultant. I do not charge anything for such things and I provide such things as friendly help to people who are aligned to me and need me. I do it because by Gods grace I have so much to offer which is simply useless unless someone benefits from it, and secondly I find pleasure in it. There was also another selfish intention for me in creating this network. I had always known that it is my destiny to fulfil my desires, and on the journey that I take I can always use some companions along the way for at least some parts of that journey. The main selfish intent is that I need people who have ambition to make it big, who believe in a dream, are aligned to my life path. So I can meet such people in this network and invite them to join me on my journey if Universe allows. I would be glad to find some people who can help me reach my destination quicker and be happy to share parts of my success with them. Eventually there is nothing in this world that is in our control. Our job is to simply put our intentions out there and allow the Universe to bring people who are aligned to our intentions to us. I have done so with this letter. So be it. Thank you for reading this message in full. Wish you all the best. Regards, Pankaj Goel
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 07:27:55 +0000

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