Dear Friends, Im writing this with a broken heart, to see the - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Im writing this with a broken heart, to see the country splitting apart. In a tough time like this, while the north is taking mother natures punishment and the south suffers from a deeply rooted conflict, we choose to condemn the others instead of lending hands. The hands once used to build our prosperity and harmony. Although my consensus is that the political conflicts is a necessity, I would like we all to take a moment and look at what we have become. We dehumanize, demonize and finally dehull a person, we go to any length yet just to prove them wrong and to claim the authority, not having realized that those very people are people as much as you and me. Remember that them whom we try to degrade are a caring mother, a loving father or someones beloved sons. You can put the blame on them, but do we need to go any further, stripping down their humanities? To those out there, this is not to tell you to go out and give your enemies an embrace. Just know who your enemies are. The person looking blood-thirstily at your from across the street in a T-shirt of a different color could be your friend who seeks the same thing as you do after all, peace. This is not a fight of people. This is a struggle of a nation. The nation once housed plenty generosity and compassion. The nation not of the buildings, the territory nor the flag but the people within. Now go back to the debates, to the changes but this time, put your fellow Thais first.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 15:25:50 +0000

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