Dear Friends, Its Monday morning on a beautiful summer day in - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Its Monday morning on a beautiful summer day in Anchorage. I need your help today. Some of you know by now who Isaiah Rider is. Some of you know that Michelle Rider is a single parent who has fought for Isaiah all his life. Since her son was kidnapped by a hospital in Kansas City, and she was accused of medical abuse for simply doing what a good mother does ( Educate herself in order to advocate for her sick child), Michelle has done everything humanly possible to fight The Machine. I believe that everyone who comes to this page knows that the only way to beat this, the only way to get Isaiah home where he for us to make NOISE in Numbers. Many of you here deserve a huge thanks because Justina Pelletier is now home with her family, in fact 48,000 people on A Miracle for Justina KNOW they made an historic effort. While it may be true that just begun is half done, UNLESS we keep the momentum we have created, we will see this torture of children and families continue. UNLESS we take up the banner for the next child, and the next.......all this will fade like a dream. Isaiah is a real boy. Michelle is a real woman. I promised Michelle that I would do everything I can to help her and she asked me if I could get 100 signatures today on this petition. Thats what Im asking. Can 100 signatures be found today? Because if they can, we are on our way. Bless you all, lets get Isaiah home. Judge Nicholas Geanopoulos: Free Isaiah from the state of IL- His home is in Kansas City- LikeLike · · Promote ·
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 16:39:52 +0000

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