Dear Friends, Its me Kevin. I have missed being here. A week ago - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Its me Kevin. I have missed being here. A week ago last Thursday, I had my first of two episodes for a mean old stroke that literally tried to kill me. It didnt. So when this afternoon came and I still couldnt walk, the one thing reminded me of what I should be doing, go to church and listen to the voice inside me which is called The Holy Spirit and so I could only follow what was said. Not being in OKC or near Hendersonville to go to Life Church, I asked to be headed to Slow Burn where Clint Thomas is one of my favorite warriors of all time. Lynn graciously put up with my anxiety and we were off in a matter of moments following a divine appointment with a dear friend. Therefore, I wasnt disappointed when we got there. Seeing people I love, praying, being prayed over and being held was uplifting. Lynn worked her tail off to get me there, even in my own anxiety and haste, I could breathe again. We were in the house of God, even though much warfare had surrounded getting there and back. One thing that changed, was my heart toward accepting my own limitations and realizing it was time to move forward. Everyone has boundaries and limits, but we have to pick ourselves up and move toward the calling upon which God has us going. Its now taken me more than a week to recover, so its time to get going. Tonight, I am assuming ALL Facebook posts moving forward. I wont be online as much though and hope you all understand. There is too much to do. I will say this...the time away has caused me to ponder a great deal, to review my own mortality with an insatiable understanding of the brevity of life and death, plus to consider the urgency of the hour in our calling. The notes each one of you have sent me have kept me CONSTANTLY CRYING and I am not through them all, so please give me time. I am sorry I am so highly emotional. I cant imagine living life without each and every one of you. Never did I think the VERITAS 300 would be the incredible blessing it has been. Thank you prayer team, now I want to pray for you. College presidents have humbled me. Single women who have suffered have graciously humbled us, sweet children have made cards and sent notes and families have prayed. Please please please know how much this means to us. You all even brought dinner. I dont know how to thank you. More than anything, I wish our journey was over instead of beginning at this pace, but we will learn a new normal. No, I am not healed from what has happened....YET. I am going to recover and wont accept the 50% chance of not knowing how I will recover. Yes life is dizzy, nausea filled and God DOES have this on so many levels! Thank you for praying, speaking healing and believing in me. The good news is, something is feeling different and that is all I have to report. For the past staff members, Sunday school class members, liberal friends, conservative friends, gay/lesbian friends, media missionary colleagues, single friends, married friends who loved me enough to pray for me, has been the BEST part of my life! I love you all and am praying too. Just know, Lynn will not be answering the FB anymore for me. I wont have a business administrator write back unless I am inundated. Thank you for being my friend and for God using you in my life to help me be stronger as this journey is a long one. Remember, times are going to be hard. Life is going to be difficult, but you dont have to stay down, you can fight. You can give all you can give, then give some more and give some more. You are important, you are valued and I love you, Kevin
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:38:05 +0000

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