Dear Friends, Parents, Students, Flutists and those who have - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Parents, Students, Flutists and those who have registered and thinking of coming to the Sir James Galway Masterclass on 1st October 2014: Good Morning everyone !! I am sure each and everyone of you share the same concern I have about the events happening all day yesterday and expect to be continued in the days and months ahead. It is an event for justice cause and future for the next generation and with no reservation the action deserve my full support. However, it just unfortunately fall onto the maestro masterclass event on 1st October in Hong Kong. IMPORTANT FACTS: THE SIR JAMES GALWAY MASTERCLASS IS STILL ON AS PLANNED AT THE SCHEDULED DATE AND TIME, which is, 1-4:30P.M. on 1st October 2014. However, THE VENUE MAY OR MAY NOT BE CHANGED. We have in our plan two possible venue, our first choice is 17th Floor of East Town Building on 41 Lockhart Road ( just opposite to APA via the bridge right above Pacific Coffee on the left side). Another venue is the Post Office Recreational Club located on 8 Caroline Hill Road. Our FIRST CHOICE will be East Town Building, but as you know, the location may be a bit too close to the Eye of the Storm which may cause some inconvenience for some of you ( an I never thought it would be of any dangers however!!) So, if the situation, as we will be monitioring, does not allow us to use the venue there, we will MOVE to the Post Office Recreational Club. For many of you who had attended the Trevor Wye event earlier this year in May, or Emily Beynons masterclass in 2012 or Robert Aitken classes, Jim Phelan flute repairing classes, you know the place. If you never been there, it is opposite to Po Leung Kok the orphean centre, very close to St. Paul Convent School. If you are not sure where it is , please call us to confirm. Sir James and Lady Galway will arrive Hong Kong tonight and I hope I can consult them their opinion first about the venue and will make a new post later today or tomorrow, PLEASE DO COME BACK THIS PLATFORM FROM TIME TO TIME OR CALL 3520 2628 FOR UPDATED. MY CELL IS 6199 9933. I CAN BE WHATSAPP!! Thanks again for the support to the Hong Kong Flute Centre and Sir James and Lady Galway. It may not be the perfect time to organize such a event at this critical time in Hong Kong but dont forget, as flutists we owe much to Sir James for his effort in all he has done for the flute communities and make many of us start the flute, and in this respect, it is very important that we could show to the maestro our deep appreciation to his contributions, specially his CDs recordings have accompanied many of us growing in the 80s and 90s............ BRING YOUR FLUTE and if you have the maestro CD, bring them in and have them autographed. We have also prepared one set of the newly released 71 CD and 2 DVD box set as lucky draw gift to give away, and another 17 sets ( only) for sales at special price of HK$1,800. ( that is about HK$25 each). DONT FORGET TO BRING YOUR CAMERA TOO !! I will make sure that everyone get at least a chance to have photos with SIR JAMES AND LADY GALWAY !!!! SEE YOU ALL ON WEDNESDAY 1ST OCTOBER 2014. STAY IN TUNE !!!!! RINGO CHAN DIRECTOR HONG KONG FLUTE CENTRE 29TH SEPTEMBER 2014
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:54:44 +0000

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