Dear Friends, Please help The Peoples Voice ! Donate however - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Please help The Peoples Voice ! Donate however much you can afford, one dollar, one pound, one euro... Humanitys future is at stake ! And remember... not only your future, but also the future of your children and grandchildren is at stake. Thank you! Spread the word ! mpzmail/bg/linkopenerv2.asp?lid=0&uid=9097676&cid=31676 The Peoples Voice Alternative Media Channel Continues Expansion Activist Post This past summer renowned alternative researcher and author David Icke started an ambitious project to offer an uncensored media platform funded and supported by the people. The concept, called The Peoples Voice, immediately resonated and was the recipient of an astonishing level of support through a crowdfunding campaign to launch the non-profit channel. Since that time, The Peoples Voice has put that money to good use by building a London-based TV/radio studio from scratch; and their first broadcasts of diverse shows launched in mid-November. With 15 in-house shows in production and several more outside contributors, this is just the beginning, David Icke promises. However, the cost of producing a 24/7 platform and ensuring its growth is challenging, especially without corporate sponsorship. While launching The Peoples Voice was a success as a true counterbalance to the completely corrupt corporate media, ongoing support is needed to keep The Peoples Voice growing. David Icke provided Activist Post with brief email interview about his ambitious new platform: Q. What was the motivation for starting The Peoples Voice? Icke: It was clear that the mainstream media was never going to be a means for truth to be revealed and so the idea was to bypass its censorship and lies by going directly to the public with our own televisual media and also to give the globally silenced a platform to be heard. The way we have given an uncensored voice to people in Gaza has given me enormous satisfaction because that was one of the prime goals. Q. How many different shows are aired by TPV? Icke: We are currently producing 15 in-house programmes a week with around another 15 or so produced and packaged for us from around the world. That is incredible given our budget and resources and the fact that this not-for-profit station is supported by so many volunteers. There are many other shows waiting to go when we can afford more editing machines and editors which involved the public making their own programmes. Q. Can you give us a sense of what it costs to stay on air? Icke: We need around £50,000 a month to operate at a little above the present level, but at least £100,000 a month to do what we really want to do, which includes studios in the US delivering live daily programming and others in the Middle East. We could do that in the Lebanon, Gaza, New York and Los Angeles tomorrow if we had the money. Remember that TPV is not-for-profit and all funds go into the station. The two founders, myself and Sean Adel, have been working since May 2013 to make it happen and working full time all day (and often night) without taking a cent. I said from the start that I would never take a penny and that stands - I would rather employ another editor or journalist than take anything for myself. Q. What are the short- to mid-term plans for TPV? Icke: In the short term we have to maintain what we are doing now and we have launched another crowd-sourcing appeal to make sure that happens to bridge the gap in funding before advertising and sponsorship makes TPV self-funding. We are moving in that direction now, with the first paid advertisements airing, but there is a big gap which we need to cover or we will be off the air early in February and that would be a tragedy after all that has been achieved in such a remarkably short time. If TPV does not make it, given what is happening in the world, it will be a mighty statement about how badly the human race really wants freedom and the free flow of information. But my eyes are only on taking this forward to ever greater effectiveness. The longer-term goal is for a global media phenomenon with studios around the world breaking the stranglehold on information by The System. This is absolutely vital because from information comes perception and from perception comes action or inaction. Information IS the world if you look at it that way and without the free flow of information there can be no free society. We already have an opportunity under discussion to put TPV on satellite and the potential for what we can do is limited only by funding. Q. What has been encouraging and discouraging about fundraising? Icke: Its encouraging that the funding for TPV has truly come from the The People in the sense of mostly small contributions from a large number of people rather than big donations. I think the most disappointing aspect of launching TPV has been the lack of support, financially and otherwise, from those celebrities who are so fond of making statements about injustice and unfairness to often bolster their own public image but do nothing when they have the chance to really make a difference - the Beverly Hills Revolutionaries, as I call them, on both sides of the Atlantic. On behalf of David Icke, Activist Post, and all of the hardworking contributors and supporters of The Peoples Voice, thank you in advance for your commitment to a more peaceful and free world that already has begun, and is sure to strengthen in 2014 if we continue to work together with more passion than ever before. Peace, Love, Truth and Liberty will Prevail!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:53:31 +0000

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