Dear Friends: This evening I have been reading the comments on - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends: This evening I have been reading the comments on the last post for Gizmo. As it so often happens here, I am in awe, simply in awe, of the love from so many for a soul they dont even know. It got me thinking once again about the power of love. The other day I was chatting with a volunteer about her family. She said that shes not close with her siblings. To hear that made me sad for her. I think she is resolved to that fact. She said she has nothing in common with them and that she lives far from most of them. There may even be some baggage that she didnt share, doesnt even consciously realize but that I sensed. I often wonder in situations like that, when families are emotionally separated...what if one of those people that have closed their heart lets go of their ego, their anger, their resentment, their jealousy or whatever negative emotions they have for their family member. And in its place they just love them. They love them for who they are and what they are? I picture that and I think, how could that be bad? How could that harm? I have found that love is the most powerful and positive tool for positive change. It is the most powerful tool AGAINST hate, resentment, jealousy. What BAD can happen if we open our hearts, nothing. And clearly we see that here, on this page, over and over when we shower these animals and each other with love. As corny as it sounds I do get the song lyrics love can move mountains. We cant see electricity with our eyes. We cant see sound waves either. We cant see the air we breath but yet its there and we breath it. So why should we question the power of love? Typically I dont do a Thought For The Day at nighttime but this was on my mind today because of the outpouring of love for Gizmo. Just ponder the idea with me, okay? Who have you held negative thoughts about, felt resentment, jealousy and hate for? Is there any way you can shift your way of thinking? Its not an easy thing to do but I promise if you have the courage to Find Love you will experience a positive chain reaction that will blow you away. Thats it for tonight. Thanks for listening. Thanks so much for all your love for Gizmo, Louie, Lucy, Mona, Hanna, Midnight, Goo and everyone else. You have made a big difference in their lives and mine. Goodnight, Sandy
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:32:42 +0000

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