Dear Friends, We are happy to see you again! Come to have - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, We are happy to see you again! Come to have fun, get inspired, and share your joy with others in FEBRUARY. Enjoy ! TOMORROW! Raise Your Awareness Talks, by Alexander Senchenko (English) Tuesday 28th at 19.00 (Loft, ground floor) and also February 11th (see below) Talk 3 - Everything is Energy, We are energy and everything else is dynamic energy. If you send forth gratitude, compassion and Love - that energy heals your body, your mind, your Spirit, helps you feel better about the world and the Universe. And that energy ripples out to help someone else, and someone else, and someone else because everything is energy. This presentation will help you to see and understand how spiritual energy flows through our multilayer body and how we can begin healing the concepts we have about ourselves that create dis-ease in our physical body. Full program of talks and topics in our Facebook photos Register by email [email protected] Women’s Moon Lodge, English & Français Tuesday 28th of January, 19h30 - 21h (Studio) Conceived as a space for busy women of today, we meet to reflect, share and receive the feminine essence into our lives. Themes of each Lodge varies with the Moon energy of the month. The Women’s Moon Lodge is a sacred, mystical place of ancient female wisdom, gathered to inspire and empower all busy women of today. The Moon represents the feminine, the emotional and the nurturing aspects in our lives. Registrations: idare@daretoglow Soirée Anti-Morosité, Français Jeudi 6 fevrier, dès 19h00 à 21h30 (Loft) Marre de la crise ? De cette atmosphère morose qui règne et nous pousse à voir tout en noir ? Partant du constat que penser problèmes, parler problèmes, vivre problèmes les alimentent et ne nous aident pas à trouver de solutions ! Nous vous proposons un vaccin, un antidote à la morosité – tous les premiers jeudis du mois! La soirée animée par Olivier Honsperger et Sébastien Gruaz se présentera sous forme d’atelier avec de nombreux échanges, mise en pratique et exercices ludiques avec les 52 lois magiques, donnant la possibilité de répondre aux questions des lecteurs du livre. Plus d’infos Inscription par email olivier@magiclifeacademy (avec nom, mail, téléphone) Inspiring Movie Night - Angel-A par Luc Besson (English/French subtitles), Friday 7th of February, 18h30-22h ANGEL-A, film hautement initiatique à la fois drôle, provocant, émouvant, poétique & visuellement magnifique partant à la redécouverte de la vie, de sa valeur et de comment lhonorer enfin en nous.. en laimant, en saimant, en redevenant les anges de nos vies. Tourné en noir & blanc dans un Paris sublime. Snacks & boissons seront offerts. Participation : 15 CHF Registration by email [email protected] Raise Your Awareness Talks, Talk 4, by Alexander Senchenko (English) Tuesday 11th of February, 19h00 till 22h00 (Loft) DNA – divine gift from the Creator. Modern science labeled 97% of our divine DNA as “Junk”. Is that really so or are they seeing only what meets their 3-D eye, and multidimensional reality escapes them like most of other scientists? Our feelings and emotions directly affect our DNA and our physical health as well as people around us and the Earth itself; DNA in turn is used to create our individual and collective reality. Full program of talks and topics in our Facebook photos Register by email [email protected] Tea Time 4 Intuition, Français Dès le 1er février - 16h-18h - Un samedi par mois! Les sessions Tea Time for InTuition créent une atmosphère de confiance facilitant la rencontre avec nos capacités intuitives innées. Mélange de théorie et de pratiques applicables au quotidien ainsi que d’expériences guidant le mental vers l’écoute du ressenti, les sessions sont ouvertes à tous et ont pour but d’ : - Apprendre à être pleinement présent pour regarder en soi - Ecouter, développer & affiner sa guidance intérieure - Utiliser ses capacités intuitives pour co-créer sa vie au quotidien. Event + flyer : https://facebook/events/573797616027905/ Inscriptions : nana.divina@gmail Trance Dance, Thursday 13th, at 20h00 (Studio) TranceDance is a unique blend of body movement, healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana - together stimulating a trance state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being. Registration: trancedancegeneva@gmail Honoring the Cycles of Life - Evenings of meditations & healing ceremonies Friday, 14th February 2014, 19h to 20h30 (Studio) Open to everybody and on a donation basis only, these evenings give us the opportunity to gather as a community and share a moment of peace, joy and harmony within our busy lives. The focus this time will be on the power of, in and through breathing: a light body work - using our breath to explore the expansion, contraction and the magical space in between - will prepare us for a powerful Royal Balinese Breathing Meditation that cleanses and rejuvenates every single cell of the body. Registration : idaretoregister@daretoglow The Self-Actualized Woman, English February Tuesdays 4,11,18 , 25 - Time: 19h to 22h30 A Cycle of 4 sessions that changes your self-perception, builds new self-confidence and helps you to experience the vibrant, creative, successful woman that you truly are. When methods of life transformation force you into a linear structure with unrealistic expectations about the consistency or your mental and emotional approaches and perspectives, they limit you from reaching your full potential. Instead, when you understand and integrate the feminine principle of cyclic nature and tune in to the four archetypes that support you in your life, relationships and work you become the joyful, centred and creative woman you really are. More Info Registration : idaretoregister@daretoglow I AM a Super-S/Hero, Français (in English in March!) Révéler sa confiance, sa magnificence & sa créativité innée avec NaNa DiviNa Les 5, 13, 19 & 26 février - 3 mercredis + 1 jeudi - 19h-22h Qui décideriez-vous d’être si vous saviez que tout était possible ? Par un créatif mélange dexercices physiques, danses, jeux, improvisations, expériences socio-logiques, guidances/méditations inspirées, vous apprendrez à : - reconnaître vos modes favoris d’expression - apprécier vos défauts & renforcer vos qualités - développer une meilleure communication - devenir plus créatif, conscient & joueur - vous reconnecter à votre cœur - renforcer votre confiance en vous, en la vie, en l’amour. Event + Flyer : https://facebook/events/697408653622758/ Inscriptions : nana.divina@gmail Soin Ra-Haraktys : Libération des mémoires ancestrales 10-14 février, Français & Anglais - ra-haraktys Ce traitement de rectification cellulaire facilite la libération de toutes les sortes dattachements ayant créé des souffrances à ce jour. Le processus, qui agit pendant 21 jours, permet de se défaire des croyances caduqes qui nous affaiblissent et de les transformer définitivement. Soin sur 5 jours consécutifs. Soin magnifique & puissant. Ne peut se recevoir que deux fois par an. Sur RDV : Nana DiviNa - 076 561 38 66 : nana.divina@gmail Gratitude Dinner! Traditional and heart-warming, informal and friendly Tuesday, February 18th, 19.30-22.00. Bring a dish to share and a list of 3 things you are grateful for, we host the dinner in our beautiful loft, with wine and of course good vibes! Participation 22 francs Registrations before January 19th at [email protected] DNA Memory Rectification & Womb Healing, English & Spanish 24th February to 7th March - Time: Slots of 2h from 10h to 20h In moments of profound chaos all around us, DNA rectification becomes essential for those willing to navigate in peace, with clarity and balance the transition path. This treatment is done in 5 sessions in a row. DNA rectification means liberation of negative and disempowering beliefs and ancestral memories. Womb Healing is a treatment for women willing to heal her relationship with femininity, creativity or for anyone willing to explore and rectify disempowering decisions made in the mother’s womb. More info Registration with Carolina (Eng & Sp): 078 686 1674, idare@daretoglow Music Together – Come and play music with your baby! Every Thursday, 15.00-16.00 and 16.00-17.00 Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age 4—and the grownups who love them. Experience Music Together and find out how important--and how fun--your role can be! Our Music Together classes build on your childs natural enthusiasm for music and movement. Well help you provide your child with the basic musical skills needed to enjoy school and social musical activities, and to study an instrument should he or she choose to do so. Stage avec Charo de la Rosa - 3 jours 21-23 février : vendredi soir au dimanche inclus. Details coming up shortly! Formation de Thérapeute de 5e dimension. Décodage bio-psycho-émotionnel & Cérémonie douverture des chakras selon Ra-Haraktys Par Charo de la Rosa (Espagne) - stage en français Raise Your Awareness Talks, Talk 5, by Alexander Senchenko (English) Tuesday 28th of February, 19h00 till 22h00 (Loft) Law of Attraction. This seminar is all about you...and what you attract in your everyday life. You can create anything you want – how? Practical tips and little known insights will be disclosed. They are must know if you want to assure guaranteed results without side effects that are unavoidable in the duality paradigm of the material world if the crucial rules are ignored. Topics: Law of Attraction in our daily life: the mechanism, tips and more; How our intensions literally attract manifestation of our reality; Match between the frequency of vibration of what you want and your own vibration; How can I consciously control the desired outcomes; Synchronicity. Full program of talks and topics in our Facebook photos Register by email [email protected] COMING SOON Inspiring Movie Nights with Guest Speakers, Healing Meditations & Gratitude Dinners in 2014! Trance Dance, Nia Dance, Workshops & Seminars on Nutrition, Self development/Empowerment & Consciousness. Our unique and conveniently located Loft & Studio are available for rent. Ideal to host your corporate team building activities, business lunches, product presentation, network group, etc. Please contact us soon, 2014 is filling up quickly! AvieVa. Your Space and Time for Personal Evolution. Become friends with us on Facebook : Avieva Geneva [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 18:00:14 +0000

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