Dear Friends, With no other intention than to spread - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, With no other intention than to spread awareness since I am positive that to a certain degree you all have heard about the Catalan people will for Independence from the Spanish state, I would like to share with you this video which is a visual portrayal of the Catalan culture and people. We sing happy music about life and love. We get together on the streets to celebrate our significant dates and play instruments Cobla Catalana. This is instrumental music and funny enough we do not use a guitar. We walk behind our Gegants around town. They are historical carton figures represented in a giant scale and carried by a human being under and undercover you need to be strong for that job! In front and behind the Gegants we can hear the drums and la gralla which I believe, if not wrong, is a Catalan born instrument. Similar to a glut but sounds definitely different.... We like to dance, and we do on the streets as a group or team with La Sardana a dance any individual can join and can participate to the common, jump and move at the same time holding hands while going at once left at once right ... Our most unic and at the same time exceptional cultural identity is Els Castellers known as human towers... They show how a very old skill is brought to the eye.... Organization, structure, team work, resistance, force... Els Castellers is a way of socializing, exercise and it results in a wonderful friendly group of people with a simple and non materialistic goal....make a tower happen.... On the other hand the big groups of Castellers are breath taking to watch.... These are our main cultural unique traits...of course there are many more... The 9th November we want to vote to say this is us and we like it. It is time to say how we feel being part of another country and show how we feel being under their State of law and regulations. We may not succeed this time but we will for sure do our best Our History says that we have been independent before and that being together with the Spanish country seems not to be for a win win situation. Democracy is here to help this referendum succeed even if the Central Government is determined to block the Catalan people say and will. We are not anti Spanish, lots of Catalans are married with Spaniards. It is not a dislike. We rather feel different and need our own space and regulations. Spain is a beautiful country, rich in culture and friendly people with a powerful History behind. I would really enjoy to be very close to them but not sharing the same roof. In Catalan we say Som molt amics, pero cadascú a casa seva could be translated as We are good griends, but at the end of the day everyone has their own home Hope this helps understanding the situation... Big Hug, Sílvia Ferrando
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:14:00 +0000

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