Dear Friends: You must all have heard of the ‘peace - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends: You must all have heard of the ‘peace negotiations’ process between Palestine and Israel. And the most frequent discourse of the mainstream media about ‘two sides that must equally compromise’ as the most flagrant on-going lie throughout the decades since 1948 to this day. At the time of the British protectorate in Palestine, a mythical construct based on Biblical legend and distortedly imposed as historical fact by European Zionist Jews, was installed by colonialist Europe to preserve a lame status quo of still-born ‘peace negotiations’ to the detriment of the Palestinians and the benefit of Zionist Israel which took advantage to brutally implement an ethnic cleansing and illegal appropriation policy shamelessly played out under the neglectful watch – and hypocritical denunciations – of the United Nations and the so-called Western world. The so called ‘Western world’, another biased construct put into play by colonialist Europe in insidious complicity with the USA, is another conceptual fallacy. Geographically speaking there is an East and a West. And the West and the East include a conglomerate of diverse and independent countries which in its majority do not– and are not willing to–abide by the dictates of this politically and socially sordid manoeuvre which sadly compares in perversion and evilness with the South African apartheid and the Nazi – plus other totalitarian –regimes. The mythical dragon of a right of the Jews to return to their ‘original land’ was initially created by pro-Zionist – and mostly anti-Semitic– Britain, in an attempt to get rid of the ‘Jewish’ problem and make sure that they did not claim any right of settling anywhere in Europe as a country. In the aftermath of World War II, it took very little to manipulate corporate guilt as a natural sequel of a human holocaust that killed Jews, Christians, Arabs, other ethnic minorities, dissenters, the weak and the disabled alike in Nazi concentration camps and elsewhere in Europe. But since then, the ‘Jewish suffering’ has monopolised our hearts and minds. And as an installed discourse, has rendered no benefit whatsoever to humanity .Human suffering is universal and not private to any ethnicity, nationality, culture and/ or country. To differentiate any human suffering as dissimilar to a particular social group is in itself a flagrant act of racism and xenophobia. Only some brutal, inconsiderate and dividing discrimination may think of human beings ‘suffering’ otherwise to one another. And it becomes even more preposterously distrustful when a social group that claims to be entitled to the ‘monopoly’ of suffering can treat other social group as sub-humans, which is the case of the majority of Israelis with respect to the Palestinians. On saying this, I principally bear in mind the Jewish people. And I am not going to invoke the cheap recourse of claiming my non anti-Semitic stance. As a Catholic Christian socialist– as much oxymoronic such statement may sound – and nurtured by Liberation Theology, I was ecumenically formed in the idea that we are all equal in the eyes of God and society. May others think or feel what they wish or are able to. But there also exists a minority of Israelis and Jews worldwide who have opted to stay human and work with the genuine international community – as different to the Euro-USA centric appropriation of the notion to justify their sinister foreign policies by making them deceitfully universal. For some significant time now, it has been the plight of Jewish activists, human rights defenders and institutions and the general public to set right this atrocious wrong that similarly affects any conscious individual on this planet. Why should all the Jews be condemned to global hatred to safeguard the horrendous policies of the Zionists in Israel and elsewhere? And in so doing, these Jewish ‘compañeros’ also make a strong stand against the segregating divide that keeps us fragmented. It’s about time we underlined the difference between a political and social atrocity and the truthful will of the peoples on the ground anywhere and everywhere. A wholesome human being is by nature an internationalist; it is through integrity, solidarity and compassion that we draw from the best of the human. I also wish to share the motives of my passion to support the Palestinian right to return, entitlement to self-determination, and their right to recuperate their illegally occupied land. What’s happening in Palestine is the ultimate embodiment of human degeneration into barbarism. It epitomises the deviations of a self-fulfilling prophecy on the capability of the human race to head to suicidal self-destruction. It uncovers all of the basest miseries that humankind is capable of. If this is the ‘progress’ we have achieved as a race in the 21st century, we would rather stopped history and united in a common clamour for the recuperation of our essence and soul, should there be any left. The blind and cowardly complicity with the colonialist Euro-USA centric manipulation of global policy-making – and of their cowed allies with the UN, NATO and the ICC as first in line –is no longer sustainable. It is for us, the peoples of the world to say enough is enough. The global demonstration of non-compliance to greed, murder, ruthlessness, unpunished crimes against humanity and injustice – in short , the power of brute force as opposed to humanism, rationality and justice – must not be tolerated uncondemned for one more second. Jorge Luis Borges has said something that has always remained with me in times of tribulation: ‘He – like all men – lived through difficult times to live in’ When Derrida says: “One name for another, a part for the whole, historic violence can always be treated as a metonymy. It is past as well as it is present. One can always decipher through singularity all the other kinds of violence going on in the world” he is putting into perfect words how I feel about imperialist policies in the Middle East and Palestine. What is taking place there, in the core of what are merely distant countries for many and the horror inflicted on their peoples should be a consistent daily dismay that haunts our lives as much as theirs are being consistently devastated. “Infinite responsibility, therefore, no rest allowed for any form of good conscience” – Jacques Derrida also says, and I honestly think that he is addressing us all. For more information about the PALESTINIAN RETURN CENTRE Balfour campaign refer to the links below: Web: http//balfourcampaign – E-mail: [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 18:32:25 +0000

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