Dear Friends and Activists, We have good news to report on - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Activists, We have good news to report on multiple fronts. First, we will be making the move this week to produce the screener DVDs of The Last War Crime movie you have all been patiently waiting for. To get your copy kindly go to the page: The Last War Crime movie DVD screener requests: If you are one of the valiant pioneers who had already made a contribution for an advance ticket, please email us directly and wed be happy to send you one of the newly available screeners, and when we have generated the momentum to book a real theater in your area, just as we have already done in both Los Angeles and San Francisco, youll still be good for that too. As a condition of making these special screener DVDs available we are asking all of you to organize your own home and community group screenings, but not to post the film online, which would make it impossible for us to get the real theatrical distribution the film deserves. We are doing this to do an end run around the stone wall of obstruction we have encountered at every turn in trying to get this important movie out there. YouTube banned one of our preview clips (another reason we dont want to post anything else there). Then MTV/Viacom refused to run an ad for the film on their Times Square jumbotron. Then the top political news/talk radio station also rejected an ad for the film, complaining that it was too controversial. Over a year ago we filed a lawsuit in DC federal district court captioned as a Complaint for Political Speech Discrimination, against that radio station and their parent chain, the second biggest radio station conglomerate in the country. We believe this case has broad implications for the treatment of political policy advertising nationwide, as it is no secret to us that many, many others have had their political ads censored, and it is still happening all the time. Five months ago our case was transferred to one of the senior judges in the district, kicked upstairs so to speak. This is the same judge who is handling the 2 billion dollar lawsuit by Bank of America against the FDIC, so obviously they have a lot of other weighty things on their bench to consider. But now the docket is starting to stir. Last week the new judge granted an extraordinary procedural motion we had filed. Representing ourselves, we argued that opposing counsel had made new arguments in a reply brief, denying us a fair chance to respond on the merits. We moved for permission to file additional responsive argument in writing, and the other side opposed our request. But nonetheless, our motion was just granted. This in and of itself does not prove that we will prevail on the overall merits. But it does demonstrate that one of the most respected jurists in the country is taking our arguments very seriously, and at least in this one case ruled in our favor, even over defendants opposition. What we can promise you is that we will fight as hard as we can to achieve justice not only for ourselves but for all others who have suffered this kind of censorship, and to tell the true history of how the American people were defrauded into supporting an invasion of Iraq. And you can help by committing now to doing your own screening of The Last War Crime, even if it is only in your own home for friends, and even better if it is for a local movie night for your activist community group. Just go to the page below and well start burning DVDs by the end of this coming week, and expect to have a first stamped pressing by the end of the next. The Last War Crime movie DVD screener requests: The Last War Crime, is a new full length feature film about indicting Dick Cheney for torture. The first third of the film is a dramatic recreation of the events of the morning of 9/11, then tracing docudrama-style the cooking of the lies that led us into invading Iraq, lies based on false confessions obtained by torture. With that as a prolog and backdrop, we transition into a fictional story which imagines what it would have been like if a courageous US attorney at the time had uncovered evidence of this torture and actually done something about it. So again, we are putting out this special screener DVD to empower you, our participants, to organize your own home and community screenings, so we can start to really get the word out about The Last War Crime movie. And we thank you for your kind patience while we have been working so hard on it You may forward this message to any friends who would find it important. Contributions to The Peoples Email Network are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. If you would like to be added to our distribution list, go to
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 18:42:56 +0000

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