Dear Friends and Colleagues, Who is Nelson Algren? Most of you - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Colleagues, Who is Nelson Algren? Most of you know the answer to this question, but when my friend, Denis Mueller, told me he was working on a feature length documentary Nelson Algren: The End is Nothing, the Road is All I was chagrinned to admit that I had no idea who he was. Given that I considered myself fairly literate, and a writer to boot, the fact of my ignorance became even more embarrassing as Denis proceeded to inform me about Nelson Algren’s compelling life; his prolific output of novels, essays, short stories, reviews and poetry, his love affair with Simone de Beauvoir, the blacklisting of his work, and the damaging impact of surveillance by the FBI and CIA. It was clear that this was a story that needed to be told. Those of you who know of Nelson already realize this, and the rest, like me, will look to this film to discover a huge literary presence through his own words, and those of well known voices such as Studs Terkel, and Kurt Vonnegut who provide their perspective on Nelson’s life and work. We can all thank the tenacity and expertise of the filmmaking team; Mark Blottner (co-producer/director), Denis Mueller (co-producer/director), and Ilko Davidov (co-producer/director) for dedicating many years working on this labor of love for the benefit of us all. However, now that the film is nearing completion, love is not enough. We need your help and your money to bring this project to the big screen and to smaller screens in 2014. We have a realistic target of $12,000 and you can join us by donating to our campaign on the crowdfunding site INDIEGOGO in the coming days. Any amount will help. We can also provide a tax-deductible option for your donation. In the meantime, click on this link to our web site, see the trailer nelsonalgrentheroadisall/ and take the opportunity to be apart of this film project. Get the gifts as well as our gratitude by contributing all you can. Best, Cynthia Close, Contributing Editor, DOCUMENTARY Magazine
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 19:10:55 +0000

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