Dear Friends and Family, I pray that this letter finds you in - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Family, I pray that this letter finds you in health and prospering as your souls are prospering.. This letter is from the heart of God! Please read it. Please understand that I am not directing this to anyone, I am writing what the Lord has directed me to write. Just a bit of history on this letter. I have prayed for over a week about posting this here. I know it will anger some people, I also know that God has directed me to post this letter here. I was driving to work week before last, and felt the Lord pulled me into the Spirit for over 2 hours, He spoke the parable to me, then He spoke a strong word of correction for me to write. These are not my words, and I am NOT directing them at anyone. The days are short, and I will ONLY be obedient to write and speak everything He directs me to... I personally know MANY wonderful Pastors, and I am a Pastor myself.. I am not attacking anyone. To any of my precious friends whom are Pastors, you know this is not written to you. It is written to those who continue to hurt and damage the precious sheep of God! This post will NOT become a debate, if anyone has a problem with what is being written here, call me, or pm me. Here is what He spoke. There was a man who had many children, he had built a beautiful house for them to live in. He paid all the bills, filed the house with great food, provided all that they needed to live. He had raised his children to keep a clean house, and to respect the boundaries he had for them. From a young age he had instructed them, and gave them all the information they needed to live long healthy peaceful lives. He always explained to them that his rules were for their good. He had some rules for them to live by, but he knew they would obey him because he loved them so much that he could never imagine that they would never disobey his rules. One day the man went to his father’s house, and left the house to his children. He told them he would be back, but that he would continue to pay all the bills, keep the house stocked with food, and take care of all their needs as long as they followed his rules. He left his eldest son in charge of the house, and told the rest to listen to him. In the beginning they did well, but over time, they began to break little rules here and there, and there was really no consequence, but they felt bad for breaking his rules, but over time they got used to feeling guilty for a few minutes, then going on with their lives. The eldest son was not really doing his job in keeping order in the house. He mostly allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do because he was afraid of offending them, or becoming unpopular with them. There was one child there that really wanted to do well, and continually warned his brothers and sisters. They would not listen, but he kept talking to them. They had become very angry at him, and would have nothing to do with him. They eventually drove him out of the house while the eldest brother stood by. Over time, they began to bring people into the house that their father had told them in times past not to have anything to do with. Their new friends were really fun to be around. They had parties which over time got wilder and wilder. They had become very disobedient and lawless. The sons began to bring their girlfriends in for overnight visits, the daughters likewise brought their boyfriends. It became a free for all. The house was always dirty, the appliances began to break down, they even began to get sickness because of all the filth and trash laying around in the home. It was a shambles! The front door was broken down, and anyone who wanted to come in and spoil their house could because they were in a continual state of drunkenness and really didn’t care who came and went. As long as they were a part of the party, everyone was very happy to be together. The eldest brother did nothing because he was really living as badly as the rest of them. He could have tried to rain them in, but did not because he didn’t want to be thrown out like his younger brother was. What they didn’t know is that their father was watching them all along. He saw every party, every event that went on. Nothing escaped his watchful eye. It broke his very heart to see his children living this way in his house that he had taken so much care to provide to them. He continually gave them chance after chance to change. He even asked his friends to stop by and check up on them, and to tell them that they needed to change their ways. It was all to no avail, not only had they become set in their ways, but they became more and more defiant as time went by. Their father stopped paying all the bills in hopes that they would start to respect his rules and start living the way he instructed them to. Still they would not listen. Their lives were in total chaos. Neighbors began to come in and steal anything they had of value because they stopped caring for anything but their parties and living for the moment. One day, their father decided that enough was enough, and that they were not going to change. He came back to evict them out of his house. They were in shock! They said “what have we done? We lived in the house, you stopped paying our bills, you stopped feeding us, it is your fault.” They shook their fists at him and cursed him, and said “you are not our father, our father would never do this to us!” So the children barricaded themselves in the house. They said you will never get us out of here. The father went to the local sheriff’s office and told them that this was his house, and he needed the children removed. The sheriff was a very rank nasty person. He was glad to take this task on. In truth, the sheriff had tried a few times to take advantage of those children in earlier years when they were really obeying the laws and living right, but since they had really never broken any laws, he had no authority to imprison them. Now they had made it easy for him. He went to the house to kick them out, but they resisted because they remembered that in times past they were protected. The problem was that they were now breakers of the law, thus giving that sheriff right to deal with them. They still resisted, they became militant and decided to fight for their house. The sheriff came in and killed most of them, and imprisoned the rest. The father then cleaned up the house and gave it to his only obedient son. I believe you all understand the parable, now here is the word that the Lord is speaking to His people. ************************************************************************************ REPENT AND TURN TO ME! My house is in shambles, I have given you everything yet you turned from me. You have allowed things into my house that I warned you in times past to avoid. My house looks no different than the world in fact it is worse than the world. It is a reproach to my name. I expect the world to live as a pack of wild animals, but not my church, not my people says the Lord! Why have the Pastors not told my people of the error of their ways? Why have you accepted sin and compromise in order to build names for yourselves? Why have you not warned my people that my judgment is about to come to America? Did you think that being silent while millions of unborn children are murdered every year while you remained politically correct would be acceptable to me? Did you think that allowing people to live together in your congregation while you said nothing to them because you were afraid of offending them (yet you really did not want to lose their tithes and offerings) would be acceptable to me? Where is the watchman? Where is the voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord? You have justified your actions by saying “if we offend them, they will leave and will stay the way they are”… I say to you, have they changed? You took their money while denying them of the truth that they needed in order to save their very lives. You quote “let the tares grow up with the wheat”, but I say to you I have allowed you to grow up with my true people, but I am about to harvest what is truly mine, and gather and burn what is not. Will you stand in shock when I visit your house? Will you turn from your ways and begin to speak the truth to my people? Will you warn them that their doors are broken down and that an enemy is about to plunder their homes and families? How long will I plead with you to proclaim truth, repentance, and righteousness to my people? How many empires will you build at the expense of sending the very people I entrusted into your care to a fiery end? Consider your ways says the Lord! Why have you stripped my people bare, and then drove them out after they served no use to you? I planted a crop, I allowed you to reap the harvest, and you stripped the field barren, and moved onto other fields. Why did you not re-plant? Why did you not tend the crop so I could reap the harvest says the Lord?! You have burned strange fire to me says the Lord! You have allowed strange fire to consume my precious people. They are burned up, and they are burned out with your programs, your control, your manipulation, and your greed. The party is over says the Lord! I have allowed you for a season to continue in your ways all the while sending my servants the prophets to warn you, yet you have refused to receive instruction. You have refused to turn because your greed has allowed you to justify every un-godly action while building your empires. You say you are pillars, yet I say you have been only scaffolding while I prepared my true pillars. When a building is complete, the scaffolding is taken down, and laid on the side of the building and my pillars will stand. I will empty your empires, and pour my true people into works that I approve of says the Lord. They are works where my truth is spoken, where sin is not acceptable, where theatrics, emotion, and deception are not present and visible to all who look in from the outside. You have reproached my name, and I am about to put an end to all fleshly works while raising up a people who believe I am who my word says I am! My fire is about to reveal the true nature of every heart. Many who are known and idolized by man will run in fear when judgment begins to hit America, and I say it will begin in the house of God! I will no longer stand by while my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge when I have instructed you to feed my sheep with knowledge and understanding and you have feasted on their labor while denying them the truth. ************************************************************************************* As Pastors, we (ALL) are called to a higher standard. I am not attacking Pastors as I am one of them.. I am simply being obedient to speak what the Lord is telling me to speak. Jesus loves you, and so do I.. Lets all turn from our ways and start preparing His people with truth.. ~joe
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 05:12:39 +0000

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