Dear Friends and Neighbors: In just a few days you will have - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Neighbors: In just a few days you will have the opportunity to cast your vote and select two Council representatives to serve our community for the next three years. This decision is a most important one as it will affect the direction our great community will take in the aftermath of the storm. Like many of you, I was one of five members of the Council that were displaced by Sandy. In fact, I am still working on my Donnelly Street residence. I, too, continue to struggle with state and federal entities in an effort to secure the funds we were promised. I have been a relentless advocate for our residents with county, state, and federal agencies in order to expedite this relief and will continue to do so. With more than three decades of service to our fine community, I am seeking my third term on the Borough Council. A graduate of Seton Hall University with a Bachelor of Arts in Government and an MBA, I have been a member of the Union Beach Zoning and Planning Board for 31 years. A founding member of the Bayshore Watershed Council, I have had opportunity to serve the Borough on a number of environmental committees and have attended numerous Clean Ocean Action Beach Sweeps. Over the past six years, I have had the honor of serving as Council liaison to the Emergency Medical Services, the Library, Board of Health, and, most recently, the Board of Education and Recreation Commission. With the support of the membership of our First Aid, I was instrumental in securing a $15,000 grant for the EMS. As the Council representative to the Strategic Recovery Planning Committee, I helped to secure a $280,000 grant to fund plans for the rehabilitation of the Route 36 business corridor, a comprehensive Master Plan, and new development on the north side of Brooke Avenue. My running mate, Cheri Roche, is seeking her second term on the Council. She has served as Council liaison to the Fire Department, the Board of Education, the American Legion, and the Department of Public Works. In the days and weeks following the storm, she spent countless hours in Borough Hall helping our residents in every possible way. Cheri is undoubtedly the consummate volunteer. She is a member of the Library Commission and the Recreation Commission, a volunteer with the Spoonful of Hope, and an active participant with Clean Ocean Action. She currently serves as Vice President of the Memorial School Foundation. In addition, Cheri has been a relentless advocate for our community with county, state, and federal agencies and is determined to bringing our residents back to Union Beach. Cheri and I have never and will never make promises to our residents that are impossible to achieve. What we do bring is a passion for securing shore protection we need, an ongoing road and rehabilitation program, fiscal conservatism, and a longstanding commitment to our Borough, through proven leadership, and positive results. With your help and support, we will continue to do so. Sincerely, Lou Andreuzzi, Sr. Councilman
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 23:16:55 +0000

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