Dear Friends, can you please make this go big (international) by - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, can you please make this go big (international) by sharing this post on your walls? :) Tegucigalpa is not exactly a place where people have too much money in their pockets, specially if it is to visit an art show or go to a music concert. Free or low cost artistic presentations are a must-have in our city. Can you please help us raise our voice to avoid charges to our art events? The text on the petition site is translated below the link. Thank you very much. As a response to the violence and insecurity we live in, we are a society that urges music, sports and cultural events. The charges that the Municipality of Tegucigalpa is trying to set on national cultural events, demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge on the actual situation of our artists, of our musical activities and the spaces where they are presented. The insensitive and cold measure, is a coup de grâce to the small amount of musical activity left and the effort of our professional musicians and the people who aspire to become one. Being Tegucigalpa one of my most important places to present my music in Honduras, I hereby join the artists and people that are claiming to suspend these charges. Instead of discouraging musicians and productors in the city, the municipality of Tegucigalpa should create stimuli to open spaces and give support to its artists; measures that instead of shutting down the music, should turn it on for the good of all its citizens. - Guillermo Anderson (Reknown Honduras Musician) Como respuesta a la violencia y a la inseguridad en vivimos, somos una sociedad que urge de espectáculos musicales, deportivos y culturales. El cobro que pretende la Alcaldía de Tegucigalpa a los espectáculos nacionales demuestra un desconocimiento total de la situación de sus artistas, de la actividad musical y de los espacios en los que se ofrece. La insensible y fría medida, es un tiro de gracia a la poca actividad musical que queda y a los esfuerzos de los músicos profesionales y de los que aspiran a serlo. Siendo Tegucigalpa una de mis plazas importantes en el país, me uno a los artistas y al público que reclaman la suspensión de este cobro. Lejos de descorazonar a músicos y productores de la ciudad, la Alcaldía de Tegucigalpa debería crear mas bien estímulos para abrir espacios y animar a sus artistas; medidas que lejos de apagar la música, la encienda para el bien de todos los capitalinos. Guillermo Anderson
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:32:15 +0000

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