Dear Friends of Scotland, We send you warm greetings. The sun is - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends of Scotland, We send you warm greetings. The sun is shining and a sweet wind blows off the sea and across our hills. We are hailing you from the land of your forefathes. Scotland is an ancient country, filled with history and tradition, with a proud heritage, and the mother of some of the greatest thinkers and statesmen of our times. Adam Smith, Sir Walter Scott and Hume, to name a few. We are equally proud that sons and daughters of Scotland have made their mark all across the globe as entrepreneurs and citizens of great new nations such as USA and Canada. As a culture with such talent, Scotland should have matured into a harmonious nation, proud and settled in her rightful place as a developed country, contributing to worldwide peace and the eradication of poverty, oppression and injustice. Unfortunately, Scotland continues to battle for her own recognition, fairness and equality from her bigger and stronger neighbour, England, who have treated the Scotland as the poor relation of their colonial might. The Act of Union in 1707, the contract that brought these nations together was a forced, arranged marriage that sparked violent protests in the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. The citizens of Scotland didn’t want the Union. But English gold bribed the politicians and landowners of the day and the Union was formed. This marriage has not been good for Scotland. Power and control has always been maintained in London, to the detriment of the welfare and well being of the Scottish people. Thus modern Scotland is not what it could be. In contrast to London and the South East of England, Scotland is impoverished. Scotland is the only oil producer in the world where some of its older generation struggle to heat their homes, and high youth unemployment is deeply ingrained. There is a huge discrepancy between Scotland and the South, health, life expectancy, education, employment and poverty, yet Scotland contributes more to the London Exchequer in tax revenues than it gets back. London, maintains a strong and unfair fiscal control of Scotland. This is less of a Union and more of a bad marriage where one partner is marginally abusive. Independence, self-governance and self-determination are a natural state of any nation or culture, hence the importance of your own 4th of July celebrations. It is a natural joy to take your place in the world and be a nation with a distinct voice and identity. There are those who would deny Scotland this right. Independence wars are traditionally a hard fight, but with an inevitable end result, in the favour of what is morally right. Why then are legitimate requests for Independence met with oppression and violence? Perhaps not physical violence in modern UK society, but political and economic violence as the Unionists turn their political and media howitzers on Scotland, a country a tenth of their size. Unionist media is shelling the Scottish people with lies and hate. Make no mistake about it; Scotland is under attack. The Unionists control the media, and the Houses of Parliament; they control the finances and the Bank of England. They control major UK institutions like the armed forces, immigration, Whitehall, and the civil service, to name a few. But worse, much of the Scottish online and print media is owned by the Unionist powers in the South. As a result, our news is biased and Scottish affairs are misreported. Scottish people have endured decades of smear and scare stories around Independence. A large part of the Scottish electorate have been frightened of upsetting the status quo of the Union, as a result. The Unionists have employed a variety of dirty tricks, including redrawing of sea borders and suppression of Economic reports that show the true picture of Scottish finances, in order to twist the truth. Many of you will already be aware that Scotland is entering one of most important periods of its history. The question of Scottish Independence has finally succeeded in raising its head like an ancient Loch Ness monster, impossible and mythical, denied and suppressed for decades. In two years time the Scottish people have a Referendum to vote to become Independent again. The battle for Independence has already started in Scotland. It is not being fought in the streets or the cities, but in the media. We need your help, your support, and your voice in this unfair war against Scotland’s freedom. Traditionally, the Scottish people have been unable to stand-up to the overwhelming media power of the Unionists. But the explosion of social media has changed this dynamic and some of us have been able to counter the lies and deceit with intelligent responses and rebuttals. There are some Scottish people who are now fighting back in a sort of online guerrilla warfare against the biased media. They bring truth and intelligent debate to the battlefield. The Unionists don’t like it. Sovereign Scots is one such champion. Our site celebrates Scotland and the Scottish people. It’s balanced but doesn’t shirk its duty to tell it as it is. Sovereign Scots represents the true voice of Scotland. Please join us. Post, blog, comment and connect with us through some of our online media. Every voice supporting Scottish heritage and independence, and standing against the abusive Unionist colonial power will make a difference. Start by joining us on line here. We need you. Post your details, your success stories, your ancestry and your photograph. Show your support for your ancient homeland. Finally, to those of you who have already visited Scotland, we miss you, haste ye back. And to those who have not managed a visit to birthplace of your genes, a warm welcome awaits you. Yours for Scotland, the USA and the memory of our ancestors. Alba gu bràth!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 03:04:43 +0000

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