Dear Friends, the following is a back and forth in the online - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, the following is a back and forth in the online comment section in regard to letters published in the R&L. Bible wasn’t founders’ guide Mr. Jerry Campbell was mistaken in his June 19 letter to the editor if he thinks Christianity is even mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. He sees the words “Nature’s God “and “divine Providence” and somehow sees the Bible. Sir, it simply isn’t there. Only one man who signed the Declaration of Independence was a clergyman. Most were lawyers, judges, physicians and merchants. And, most important, the five men who were on the committee to create the Declaration of Independence were not particularly religious. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman were on that committee. John Adams was a Unitarian, which during his time meant that he did not believe in the Trinity or that Christ was necessarily God. Benjamin Franklin was a deist in his later years, though he was raised a Congregationalist Protestant. Roger Sherman was a Congregationalist Protestant. Robert Livingston was a Episcopalian. And Thomas Jefferson, who actually wrote the Declaration of Independence, was a deist. These were men of reason who valued freedom. The references in the Declaration of Independence are to a god, but not to Christianity or Christ. And certainly not to the Bible. The separation of Church and State was created to protect all religious beliefs and to protect every citizen from those beliefs as well. This nation was not founded on Christianity or the Bible. But it was founded on a desire to be free. And that includes the freedom to believe or not believe in any religion. The Bible may be Mr. Campbell’s guide to life, but it wasn’t our founding fathers’ guide to the Declaration of Independence or to our Constitution. Margie Miller Statesville • Don Ledbetter • Top Commenter • Statesville High School Margie, your letter is full of mistakes.and innuendos -Let me ask you, who is natures God and Divine providence? Is it an idol made of wood, stone or glass? No, the references are to to the living God , the creator of everything including us. You need to read a good book and I would recommend The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States by Benjamin F. Morris. This book will fill you in and show you the many errors that you have made. One classic mistake:The separation of church and State is not in our constitution however it is very clear that our founding fathers wanted the Government to stay out of the church. Conversely, the church should play an integral part of our Government. Reverend Morris details how the early arrivals from across the waters even fasted on the high seas in thanksgiving to the one and only true God, our creator. The schools required the students to take a test on Mondays after their pastors sermon on Sundays. Many have skewed our constitution as they have Gods Word to try to get them to say what they want them to say..Please go back and read up a bit, youve only scratched the surface of the truth. To God be the Glory! Reply • Like • 1 • Unfollow Post • 15 hours ago o Ben Watts • Top Commenter • Mitchell Community College So did Benjamin Morris ever mention article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli that was ratified by congress and signed by President John Adams in 1796? Reply • Like • 1 • 12 hours ago o Don Ledbetter • Top Commenter •Statesville High School Ben Watts What has this got to do with anything? Speak English. Would you answer an honest question? Do you believe in God and believe His Word the Bible? I do! and, how about answering Geneva! Reply • Like • 5 hours ago o Ben Watts • Top Commenter • Mitchell Community College No. I dont, Im an atheist. There, I answered plain and simple. I do not believe in any of the gods, the Christian one included. I thought I was pretty clear with my previous comment. Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli: As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. I asked a simple question. Did Benjamin Morris, the guy you referred to in your comment above, ever mention that article. Reply • Like • 37 minutes ago o Don Ledbetter • Top Commenter •Statesville High School Ben Watts , I will open my Benjamin F. Morris book and I will get back to you on your simple question. Thank you for your honest answer. consider this, even an unbeliever can understand: Americas republic was successful because it is based on Gods law and largely has required moral people to hold office, but look what happened when the president only enforces the laws he favors. Galatians 5:1 says, Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Bondage is sin as is lawlessness and we can be slaves to sin or dedicated to the liberty in Christ. Ben, it it only too late for unbelievers if they die before they repent, but of course this is a choice with the freewill that the Creator gave to all of us and you. We can only hope that God has not withdrawn his Holy Spirit from you, if indeed He has, then there is no hope...For sure you will die like all of us, only God can judge us and for sure that will happen...... Reply • Like • 2 seconds ago • Geneva K Miller • Top Commenter • Wife, Mom, Grandma at At home Wonder how the Ten Commandments from the Christian bible made it into the Supreme Court and all other courts in the land. Wonder why the very first continental congress had the Christian Bible printed and placed in all the schools. Sorry Margie but your totally wrong:-))))) Reply • Unlike • 3 • Unfollow Post • 12 hours ago
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 12:58:42 +0000

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