Dear Friends! time to be awer. Finding a common ground within all - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends! time to be awer. Finding a common ground within all religions is the only way to overcome all this conflict that is going on in within each one of us and within the world. This common ground beneath all religions is called Mysticism. Religion limits, Mysticism frees. Religion fights, Mysticism loves. (I mean religion here in a very narrow sense of the term, or rather religion devoid of mysticism). Hafiz, the great Persian mystic, states, “I Have Learned So Much I Have Learned So much from God That I can no longer Call Myself A Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew. The Truth has shared so much of Itself With me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even a pure Soul. Love has Befriended Hafiz so completely It has turned to ash And freed Me Of every concept and image my mind has ever known. Additionally, to these verses of Hafiz brought to my attention by my very dear and respectable friend Dr. Meath Conlan, I would like to share the following lines by Ibn-Arabi, the great Sufi mystic from Spain... My heart has become the receptacle of every form, It is a pasture for gazelles and a convent from Christian monks, And a temple for idols and pilgrims Kabah, And the tablets of the Torah and the Book of the Quran. I follow the religion of love whichever way its camels take, For this is my religion and faith. Such openhearted Mysticism exists deep down within every religion, however severely and harshly persecuted the mystics might have been by the religious folk. It exists in Hinduism as Advaita Vedanta and Yoga, in Judaism as Kabbalah, in Christianity there is a great tradition of mystics such as Mesiter Eckhart etc., and in Islam it exists in the form of Sufism. “All these mystics,” the great mystic Saint Martin noticed very correctly, “speak the same language and come from the same country.” Each one of us should search for and explore wholeheartedly these deep mystical traditions as they exist within the religion they were born in. This is the only way to go beyond the confusion that arises out of religious affinity. However, most of these mystical traditions are undergoing constant persecution and harassment within their respective societies today, and it is high time that we stand up firmly and collectively to reject any form of persecution of such openhearted expressions of the Supreme Universal Truth. It is high time that we realized this fact
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:16:53 +0000

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