Dear G-d save me but its started. The mindless puerile body - TopicsExpress


Dear G-d save me but its started. The mindless puerile body bean-counting as in this piece in the Guardian. The theme is always the same: More Palestinians are dying in this latest round therefore the Israelis 1. Dont deserve to win. 2. Should stop now while the evil leadership that wishes Israel obliterated is alive and 3. Is somehow taking unfair advantage with a disproportionate response. In the logic of unfair disproportionality, a cop trying to stop a rape in progress would have to drop his handgun and radio and attempt to pry the rapist off the victim with brute force. The main problem for the Israel-hating media is this (and its an ancient one): Jews simply dont go quietly to their deaths. They insist, piggishly, selfishly on living. They do brutish things like create great hospitals, great soldiers and great civil defense systems all in this greedy quest of life. Meanwhile Palestinians, both Hamas and PA, strap suicide bombs on little children. Drill children in the glory of martyrdo, financially reward mothers who give their children up to martyrdom, name public buildings after the most successful martyrs. Worst of all, they assiduously pad military targets with live human bodies to assure that any defensive Israeli bomb will also tear apart many tender human bodies. Even a CNN article yesterday finally acknowleded that the Palis use human shields. The Pali leaders are proud of this. How many times have you heard taunting variations on We will win because we love death more than you love life from Palestinian leaders?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:55:15 +0000

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