Dear GOP, Thank you for contacting me asking for feedback about - TopicsExpress


Dear GOP, Thank you for contacting me asking for feedback about the direction the senate/house should take under the republicans. I was excited about giving you some feedback, because I do have opinions. Imagine my shock and dismay when I opened the form, only to find you didn’t want my opinion at all, you just wanted me to rubber-stamp YOUR ideas. This is the problem. You, along with your fellow democrats, have totally disregarded The People for way too long. YOU set the agenda, as opposed to listening to The People. We are just minor nuisances you must pacify on your way to election day in order to get reelected. My ideas: 1) For starters, remember your approval numbers are in the toilet. You were elected only because you appear to be the lesser of two very similar evils. Act like it. You should make every sincere effort to actually listen to The People. 2) Every elected official and government employee, from the President on down, needs a permanent 30% pay cut. That’s the average amount of earning power your fellow Americans have lost over the last 10 years. In order to feel our pain, it seems only reasonable a pay cut is in order. It would go along way towards saying you understand what our lives are like. It would put you back with The People, instead of securing your position as The Ruling Class who continues to protect itself, even when your constituents are facing a totally different reality. 3) Rededicate yourselves to honesty, integrity and truth. Don’t abide fellow legislators dishonesty. We need more congressmen like Joe Wilson, who is not afraid to call a lie a lie, even if it’s at the State of the Union address on national television. The People and our country deserve no less. 4) Quit playing political brinksmanship with the opposing party. It’s time to stop the political shenanigans. The People are tired of you using our lives to further your political agendas. We are not your pawns. 5) Find ways to circumvent the press in order to talk to The People. They are not serving The People, but the democratic party. They are as responsible for the mess we are in as you are. 6) Speaking of talking to The People, charts and graphs are so helpful. Find engaging ways to communicate. We want to listen, but it needs to be engaging and informative. 7) MORE town hall meetings and time spent in your state; less time in Washington. Now legislatively, what should you do? 1) Secure our borders. There is nothing more important in light of the crazy world we have found ourselves in. 2) Dismantle the ACA. 3) Stop spying and collecting information on the American People. 4) STOP OVER REGULATION of just about everything (including the internet). Just stop it. Regulations are choking our economy at every level. Get out of the way, and let businesses and entrepreneurs do their thing. 5) Try to get the federal government out of our economy as much as possible. I wish I had time to go into more details, but my grandkids are visiting and I want to spend time with them.... that’s MY job... I’m watching you. Carole Weitner
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:39:30 +0000

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