Dear Gilbert, I am kind of tired of sending my resumes so - TopicsExpress


Dear Gilbert, I am kind of tired of sending my resumes so I’ll probably feel better emailing to you. As usual, same old story. Send so many applications but few replies. I think I would be lucky to receive 4 calls in a week but most of them are from recruitment agencies, which usually stands little chance. Its not that they don’t want to close, rather their clients are too stringent. Having been a recruitor before, I know how ridiculous some employers can be. Want cheap and good and 100% job match, where got such things? Even the resumes which was sent to my related fields did not reply which I feel boils down to cost. I think employers must really be realistic that its almost impossible to get a perfect job match. For example, if my forte is in sales then my skills is there and all it requires is to pick up industrial knowledge. Likewise, if I come from property background,I would have the industrial knowledge just that I might have to perform a different function. It is really shitty to hear from consultants that my salary is too high (my last drawn is only $3k and its not as I’m asking for $5k). I am prepared to take a pay cut which of course cannot be too much as I have been working for a few years. (I’m not a job hopper, staying in a job for 2-3 years). It seems that these cheapskate employers think they are shopping at pasar malam (eg.$2.6k already still want to lower down,wtf?) As a former recuitor, I know they are not sincere and I would not bother to proceed.Take note that it is not that I play hard to get but I feel its more about dignity. If you are sincere in hiring quality candidates, you must be willing to pay. Its like match-making,you chose me I also chose you. As such, I am despondent with the job market that I decided to take a temp job and slowly find. I think its a matter of staying positive and I urge all unemployed people to do likewise. Probably for certain jobs, its a matter of just take it. For PMETs, I can understand. There are so many things to consider,work environment,immediate superior ,career prospect, salary, chemistry with colleagues.No point go from one shit hole to another. That was the experience I learnt when I quit my job and join another. Alot of people made the mistake of JUMPING TO THE WRONG JOB AFTER QUITTING THEIR OLD JOB and end up jobless. For those who want to quit, think carefully and observe the prospective company before joining them. Of course, if you really cannot take it (I went through that stage before), you may do a Eat, Pray, Love and travel around the world.(just make sure your bank account is full). I am now facing the frustrations of leaving with a comfortable salary and having to adjust my lifestyle. (no regrets,when you gotta go, you gotta go). However, in the midst of it, it is better to take up a temp job to keep your sanity. Continue to stay positive and just take it as a transit hotel where you sort out your thoughts. Of course, live within your means as every cent counts. Best Rgds, Who am I 0 0 - See more at:
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:55:22 +0000

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