Dear God If there is such a thing as reincarnation, please dont - TopicsExpress


Dear God If there is such a thing as reincarnation, please dont include me if youre going to make me gay again and not give me at least an actual male looking body. Just put me in some trailer park and let me die a crib death or something, or with some atheist family who doesnt use religion to drive their children into the grave, its much more preferable. OR at least give me the cajones to do it myself next time! Its ridiculous to make me 6 foot 2 and give me tits, and then have me born into a HIspanic household with homophobic parents and brothers with anger issues who when not hitting me throw plates of cereal at me and destroy my belongings for no reason other than I got up in the morning and they happened to see me. And dont tell me I can just move. Thats what the cop who was sent to help me but called me a fag said. I tried conforming, moving, religion, a gay psychologist and people just decide you are a freak and ignore you or put you down to your face. My patience has run out. Did you put me on this earth to give these mean people something to laugh at? Everytime I do something good really BAD things seem to happen to me. And yet I am drawn like a moth to a flame when there is that opportunity - why? Is this how you treat those you supposedly love? Give them chances to help others but only if they know something bad will happen to them for doing it? And only loving them if they allow themselves to be hurt in order to do Your will? What kind of a deity does that? And I should want to spend forever with you? I cannot even watch the news anymore because when I hear how these hetero parents as well as cops beat and murder their kids leaving them in cars to die while outside texting gay hate messages, it makes me want to wring someones neck! Now governments are shooting gay scientists and AIDS researchers out of the sky! How long before they round up every LGBT and do what Hitler did? SO if you dont mind, please, dont make me gay next time. And dont make me white either. And it wasnt funny this time, okay?? Why couldnt you have warned me on how shallow and mean gay people are to their own once I made the break from the straight world, and that Id be retiring nicely now if I had just went to that job for years and not become a gay activist, which pays zilch? Do you get off on watching people ostracized when they themselves are in a fringe group? Did you make your plan for my life on acid???
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:13:19 +0000

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