Dear God, We pray for our daughter to see the beauty in this - TopicsExpress


Dear God, We pray for our daughter to see the beauty in this world and the goodness in people. Show her how to raise her head in confidence, yet lower it with humility before You. Help her to be a life long learner. May she always gain knowledge, grow in understanding, and find wisdom. Please God, help her to close her eyes in restful slumber and open them in appreciation of Your glorious morning light. That she will hear the small still voice inside. Your voice, the one that brings calm. Her own voice, the one that encourages good choices. And the voice of spirit, the perfect combination of holy and humanity. We pray for our daughter to speak carefully: To raise her voice in defense of the weak. To speak soothingly to those in need. To use words that are productive and kind. Be inside and beside her, dear Lord. We pray that our daughter will be flexible. When the time is right for compliance, help her to bend. When it is in her best interest to stand her ground, give her strength. Let her see Your truth and not be stubborn in harmful ways. we pray for her to love and trust with abundance. That she will use her arms to embrace life with gusto. To hug often. And, may she eagerly reach out to others in friendship and love. Let our daughter know generosity. Show her how to give open-handedly and receive gracefully. Protect her and set her on a path where she will walk with purpose. Guide her to great places where she can thrive, prosper, and live May she often feel her toes curl up with pleasure. Keep her happy Lord. Surprise and delight her. Give her the chance to be someone who enjoys and appreciates all things in life, even the small and inconsequential. Inspire her to feel joy with spirit. We pray she will honor and praise You in all she does. Create the will for our daughter to come to You with her problems, feeling safe, loved and cared for, comforted by Your presence. Give her wisdom and show her how to make good choices in her life. Teach her to look within for her very best. Help her realize— You God, are her strength and guidance. Let her know that enemies will come, but through You, she will always be victorious. We look upon our daughter and feel complete joy and utter fear. Joy, because this amazing soul leaves us breathless with wonder. Perfect in ways we never dreamed possible. May she grow strong in tolerance, patience, love and faith. In a world starving for all these virtues, let her ways be Your shining example for all to see. Amen Happy happy birthday kesha Jai Jeun We love you... papa, mama and stefan
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 13:20:41 +0000

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