Dear God, creator of the universe, Thank you for some fine - TopicsExpress


Dear God, creator of the universe, Thank you for some fine victories last week. Please help us in this terrible time. Religions of the world torture animals in the name of their gods. These things can only come from The Devil itself. The torture that is inflicted in every country in the name of their gods must end please help us. We are aware that your day of revenge will come, we dont know when, but we are ready father because the animal abuse must come to an end now. Please give us strength and health. Seeing the crimes against the animals is sickening. Make us strong, dear God, so that we can save them. Give us the power, and words to liberate all the animals, and end the suffering. Enable us to set all zoo , circus and lab animals free, to sanctuaries, and wild when possible. The wild horses of the USA are on the brink of extinction. The BLM are rounding them ALL up, leaving none on the range. These loving families are being split apart, only to stand in government holding pens. They are often sold to kill buyers and end up in slaughterhouses in Canada and Mexico. Please enable us to save them. Our hearts are breaking for these wonderful horses, who have survived for 200 years alone in the wilderness. Please continue to expose those using animal suffering to raise funds. Bring the false ones to ruin, as we expose each and every one with your help. We fought to help Sunder the elephant to be free of chains, but because of lies and deceit, he is still chained. Father the Indian false religion tortures elephants for their God. Please help us to bring this crashing down as we expose them to the world. Please send a miracle to free the albino baby from the Taiji museum. We cannot forget her she still swims in circles in a filthy tank. We must free all captive cetaceans. Dolphins are dying in the Mirage swimming pool, and at SeaWorld. Please give us the miracle that we are hoping for. Allow us to celebrate the day when the captive whales and dolphins are released into the ocean. The Faroe Islands are waiting for the Sea Shepherd ship to leave to begin killing whales. Please send some cosmic power to prevent this. Show us the way to stop the impending murder of dolphins in Japan. They have brought Dall Porpoise to the brink of extinction. Taiji is getting ready to start the murder of thousands of dolphins, angels of the ocean. Show us your might O Lord to prevent this yearly tragedy. The list of animal abuse worldwide is horrific and endless. Elephants being wiped out for ivory! Rhinos have become extinct for Chinese medicine. We are trying to stop them. The mass murder of sentient beings is unbearable. Give us your guidance and supernatural power to fight the demons. Asia have no boundaries in their cruelty. Burning, boiling and skinning sweet animals alive. China is a sub-human nation of dragon worshippers. They feel nothing when skinning a dog alive. Give us the power, and the words, and the direction, we are David against Goliath. We cannot do this without your help. We hope to live to see the end of that regime, and the freeing of the animals of China. The screams of dogs and cats, and all fur bearing animals in China must reach the heavens. We need special powers to end this, help us dear God. Show us how to go forward to end the hunting of wolves, and all wild animals. Let us ban vivisection , and end animal exploitation world wide. Give us the power to bring on a vegan world. Put the right words into our mouths, so we can change the hearts of the people. Give us the courage to face the great tribulation. Please grant us animal liberation in our lifetime, so we can see the peaceful world that we long for as described in The Garden. We ask this prayer from our heart, in the belief that you can hear us, and will show us the way and give us strong hearts and minds, and the courage to go on. Awaiting the great day, when Your Kingdom of peace and love will be the only one to rule the earth. No more tears, pain or outcry. No need for demos or sanctuaries. In the name of Jesus, who told the world to end all animal sacrifice, and so was murdered. amen.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:01:07 +0000

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