Dear Government, Duty of care When you asked for our votes we - TopicsExpress


Dear Government, Duty of care When you asked for our votes we gave them to you. When you asked for USC we gave it to you. When you asked for property tax we gave it to you. When you asked for understanding we gave it to you but Im afraid you cannot keep asking and expect us to just stay giving. We are by nature a giving people but you have strangled every ounce of human kindness out of every Irish man, woman and child by forcing emigration, encouraging two tier health services, failing to create real jobs, refusing to deal with reform in the civil service and of course the water charges fiasco and the list goes on. Youre failure to keep your election promises are just spineless from each and everyone of you and your pathetic excuses are just childish school yard carry on at this stage. We as a nation deserve better because it is the ordinary person on the street that is working towards a recovery and not you lot. We are the people carrying the burden of your lack of conviction to take on the white collar thugs that are misleading both you and us on a daily basis. You must take on board the stress, worry, illness and even suicides that your actions are responsible for and no amount of long winded political bullshite talk will exonerate you from this. I believe that you as a Minister have a duty of care to each and everyone of us so ask yourself am I really doing my best? The single best thing you can do as a Government is to reform the civil service from the top and then we can begin the recovery process for real. Just do it... after all you did promise it! Thanks, A concerned but proud Irish Man.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:05:25 +0000

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