Dear Governor, I was very disappointed when you didnt win the - TopicsExpress


Dear Governor, I was very disappointed when you didnt win the election in 2012, I thought you would. I honestly believe in you more than any Politician perhaps, ever. As a child I loved JFK and RFK and although it didnt happen, Senator Ted Kennedy as well. Most people believe you are an honest , religious, and very intelligent family man. You have been very successful in business but more importantly you have been successful in raising a fine fine family. It seems the media somehow used that against you, dont ask me how. Due to the fact that youre a Mormon somehow thats a bad thing when in most cases people dont even know anything about the faith. The fact that your wealthy means that somehow you lied cheated or stole, I do not believe this, most dont but somehow being successful in achieving the American dream was a negative? There was one question I believe, if answered differently, could have made a difference. When asked in the debates if you would allow amnesty for illegal aliens you said no and cited all the people who are doing it correctly and how it wouldnt be fair to them. This is what any honest and logical person would say in my opinion. The media somehow turned that in to you were against aliens in general and that if elected you would round them all up and shoot them or something. In my opinion, had you said you were looking in to it or you hadnt made the decision yet but certainly all the illegal aliens just want a better place, a better chance for their family, blah, blah, blah. In other words not answered the question. However, your honest and straight forward so you spoke the truth. In my heart I believe an honest and truly a good man but somehow this was supposed to be untrue. You dont drink, dont have affairs, and its never even been suggested that you did anything inappropriate in business. Unfortunately, the incredibly biased and unjust media, thinks this is impossible, an honest and decent man, never happen. I think your good qualities sunk you. Had you skirted questions or wandered off on tangents, like Mr. Obama, I believe your weak areas in the polls may have come up a significant amount. Obama just told them everything they wanted to hear, I was ready for him to claim he would cure cancer if elected but he stopped just short of that with Obamacare. Obama has not lived up to any of his promises, has had no business experience and boy does it show, like I said, he just told folks what they wanted to hear. Its unreal what we have become in this country. Please Mr Romney, obviously you cant do anything until you get the job but this country needs you so bad and anyone with any sense at all is worried about its future, I worry we might not make it. I worry about its people should you not become President. Not someone like you, you. You have the brains, the talent and the will to get us out of this hole we are digging deeper everyday. You have common sense and business sense. You have proven it, its no idle boast. Your Wife and family are the picture of what a family should be, honest, hard working, and they truly love each other, especially your wife Ann. Its amazing what she has gone through and still she holds her head up and keeps chugging along. Shes beautiful as well and if you ask me, not since Jackie Kennedy, have we had a first lady who looks and acts as a first lady should. I guess before anything else you must start out as a lady and Mrs. Romney certainly is that and more importantly, sincere. Again, Sir, I would do anything I could to help you, you deserve our support. I have served this country honorably for over 4 years in the Navy. I love America with all my heart and when I see whats happening to it, I want to cry like a child. Please Sir, you must find a way to save the United States of America and bring us back to a position of respect in the world. There must be a way, there just has to be. God will not let you fail, you are on the side of right, honesty and integrity, something that has not been in the White House for a long time. If you get this note and I realize you most likely wont, thank you so much for reading it. May God be with you.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:44:44 +0000

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