Dear Great Umu Anioma, You do not need to be a rocket - TopicsExpress


Dear Great Umu Anioma, You do not need to be a rocket scientist to see that the choices we are facing in Delta State are: 1) Continued downward spiral with 8 (or 16) more years of Ibori dynasty; Or 2) A new direction for Deltans with a champion of transformation at the helms. Here is how a news outfit described Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan’s desperate attempt, to impose a stooge of the Ibori dynasty on the good people of Delta State: QUOTE: Ahead of the 2015governorship elections, the Peoples Democratic Party in Delta State may explode following an attempt by the state Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan to hijack the Ward delegate list, in order to impose his anointed candidate on the party, and Deltans. Our investigations further revealed that following the protest of the aspirants, Chief Tony Aninah led committee reached a compromised position by requesting five leaders each from the 25 LGA to go back and choose their Ward delegate. ADVOCATE, however gathered that this could be a mere bumper trap by the Uduaghan’s group to pacify the aggrieved aspirants, while he pushed his original list through. According to our source, a prominent member in the Tony Obuh projected, he told us in confidence that Uduaghan had already submitted the delegate list for Delta State on Thursday this week. UNQUOTE: advocateng/pdp-ward-delegate-elections-uduaghan-hijacks-list-okowa-elumelu-olojeme-others-sets-for-a-showdown/ Up till last couple of weeks, Delta State Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan has maintained a shameful silence about the Delta Governorship election of 2015 despite the fact that his Political Party the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has in its Constitution a provision for power rotation. Before he became shamefully silent, Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan and his co-travelers had made statements that were intended to test the waters, to see if our great Anioma peoples were really committed to the Anioma 2015 project or not. And on each occasion, I am proud to inform you that they have been disappointed by the commitment showed by our brilliant Anioma youth. Yes, I know I have posted those statements before but for the benefit of those who may not be aware of what I am talking about, I have posted below a thread which has some of the quotes attributed to this Governor and members of the Ibori dynasty. For the benefit of those who do not know Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan does not seem to be a thief, he is in fact a thief and if care is not taken he will end up in the BIG house like his first cousin former Governor James Ibori, who is currently serving a jail term in the United Kingdom for laundering money stolen from Delta State Government. Since 1999 the leadership of Delta State has been in the hands of the Ibori family members. Many of you recall, I hope, that the Umu Anioma Foundation led a coalition of anti-corruption groups from Delta to the Southwark Crown Court to make a statement and to set the record straight that the Ibori money laundering case was not a witch-hunt by His Excellency, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and Ibori’s political enemies as claimed by Ibori supporters, whom Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan happened to be. In that trial in London, in which the Defendant Mr. James Ibori pled guilty before the trial started, Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan and the Deputy Governor Prof. Utuama’s names featured prominently in the money laundering activities of Ibori. Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan as many of you know is a cousin of James Ibori and was the Secretary to the State Government in the period in which the money laundering activities were taking place. It was no surprise therefore that Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan and Prof Amos Utuama had consistently used Delta State Government funds to support Ibori’s extravagant lifestyle and legal bills while out of office. In addition to the money laundering case and other cases of corruption, Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan has been linked to multi-million dollar properties in Washington DC. The ownership papers are under the name of his younger brother, Victor, who was in Medical School at the time of purchase, while Uduaghan was in government. Since 1999 till date while this two cousins (Ibori and Uduaghn) have held sway approximately 4.7 Trillion Naira have been allocated to Delta State from the Federation Account and the only thing Deltans have to show for all that money is a dubious mantra of “Delta beyond oil” Folks, may I submit to you today that “Delta beyond Oil” is the biggest scam perpetuated on any people in the history of scams. Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan makes Bernie Madoff, the convicted American Fraudster who was running a “Ponzi scheme” look like a choir boy. Except for the literature on which the words are printed on or the frequent times when the mantra is chanted there is nothing on the ground in terms of industry or infrastructure to support such bogus rhetoric. Folks, let me cut the chase…. Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan continues to insult our great Anioma peoples not only by his conduct but worse of all by his utterances. Case in point, he is credited as saying on Independence Day of all days…. Quote: I don’t know who the Governor is going to be in 2015 but I know those who will not be the Governor of Delta State in 2015 Unquote: Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, Executive Governor of Delta State and cousin of convicted money launderer and former Governor of Delta State James Ibori October 1, 2015 Folks, the above statement by Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan is like saying… “I don’t know God but I know who the devil is” Anyone who will make such statement is not fit to lead anything. No wonder our dear Delta State is in such a bad shape with its treasury looted. As we approach the People’s Democratic Party primaries in Delta State, it has become necessary for us to look dispassionately and truthfully at the choices that are before us. We have listened to the arguments made by those who are suggesting that Umu Anioma do nothing now but wait till the PDP primaries is over with a view to support which ever Candidate from Anioma emerges from the Primaries. The problem with that argument is that there is no guarantee that an Anioma candidate will emerge from that Primaries considering that the Governor has the deck stacked against our hopes. If we wait and do nothing now, it will be too late at that time to reverse any damage that may have been done by the high number of candidates from Anioma who have submitted their nomination forms. Even though Anioma Congress screened and recommended only 3 candidates, the Governor has continued to undermine our great Anioma peoples by encouraging and in some instances financing the candidacy of Anioma indigenes that did not make the Anioma Congress cut. From the PDP Ward Congresses held last weekend, we saw the Governors strategy for rigging the Primaries. Appearing to be a fair arbiter he suggested that the Party delegates be split equally amongst all the candidates that made the primaries. Meaning that the block of Ibori dynasty candidates which total 8 candidates and include 3 Anioma born indigenes from Ika and Ndokwa with the other 5 others from Delta South will form the majority block. In actuality all the Anioma candidates sponsored by the Governor are just distractions whose only role is to step down at the Primaries for the Governor’s “anointed” successor. Their stepping down for the anointed will be part of a script to rig the Primaries. None of these candidates including the Governor’s anointed successor has any structure in Delta State or is as popular as any of the 3 screened and forwarded names by the Anioma Congress. All the traction these fake candidates by Uduaghan have mustered has been bought by money from Delta State treasury. The corrupt Media who are on the payroll of the Governor have already been handed the headlines and story lines to publish day after the Delta State PDP Primaries… The narration will be that the Aniomas lost the Governorship slot to the Urhobos because the Aniomas are not united as they had “7” candidates in the Primaries vying for a position that was already zoned to them. To help make that day after the Primaries news story a reality, the Governor has sponsored at least 3 candidates for Governorship from Anioma. After the results of a rigged Primary is announced, nowhere in the story will it say that the Governor used Delta State Government money to sponsor some of the fake Anioma candidates that all of a sudden decided to run for Governorship in the last minute without any structure, structure or reaching out outside of their own ethnic group. In my opinion, the problem with our people is not that we cannot handle the truth. It’s that some of us prefer the lie. The truth of the matter is that if the outgoing Governor of Delta State is allowed to prevail and he ends up hand-picking his successor, the repercussions will be felt faraway in Aso Rock. The current crisis of PDP Senators threatening to impeach the President will be child’s play compared to what will ensue when Uduaghan’s hand-picked stooge becomes Governor of Delta State. We have it on authority that the Governor of Delta State Emmanuel Uduaghan has concluded plans to defect to the opposition APC after the elections are concluded; if his stooge installed as his successor. This plan is part of the master plan by the 3 axis of evil namely, Tinubu, Saraki and Ibori dynasties, to dominate Southern Nigeria politics and eventually impeach President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. There is digital evidence out there that gives credence to the fact that Ibori is bent on taking his revenge on President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in 2016. The plan by the 3 axis of evil goes like this…. The Ibori dynasty stooge will decamp to the opposition APC with all the PDP party apparatus and newly elected PDP State officials, State and National Assembly members who have been hand-picked with over 90% of them being Ibori/Uduaghan loyalists. A Delta State in control of the opposition APC will no doubt be a threat to the PDP controlled Federal Government. In 2016, a fresh from jail Ibori who is still nursing grudge against President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan whom Ibori’s lawyers and supporters at the Southwark Crown Court called the “Political Enemy” of their principal to my face; having direct access to Delta State Government treasury via his proxy and stooge in the person of the proposed anointed Governor will amount to a political suicide for the ruling party. There is no telling what kind of challenges this scenario will create for a fragile Federal Government that is fighting insurgency in the North East. Our other choice is to decide on the strongest of the 3 Anioma Congress narrowed down Candidates and rally behind that candidate as our consensus candidate with the hope that this consensus candidate will give Delta State a fresh start and a clean break from the locust years of the Ibori dynasty. We have between now and the Primaries to rally behind the strongest of the 3 Anioma Congress shortlisted candidates. Before, I go any further; I will like to just mention that the list of 3 is not a perfect list as many will agree it would have made more sense if an Anioma son or daughter from Ndokwa was added to the list just so we can bridge the Unity gap that our enemies keep exploiting. In the coming days and weeks, we hope and expect that the shortlisted 3 will appreciate that only 1 person can be Governor and whoever becomes Governor has a responsibility to be Governor of ALL Deltans. I believe in that regard only one candidate has shown the capacity to be able to unite ALL Deltans. Our strongest candidate is the one that has the most diverse group of supporters. The candidate that is most generous of the shortlisted 3 candidates is our strongest candidate. Only one candidate in this race has faced adversity that is strong enough to terminate ANY campaign for political office yet in spite of such setback has continued to forge on and wax stronger. Such strong character is the kind of character you want in a leader that is leading a fight such as the fight we face in Delta State to dislodge the Ibori dynasty. Our strongest candidate is the one who has verifiable proof of being a transformation agent as Deltans are yearning for their own “Akpabio” Go to Akwa Ibom and you will begin to understand why we MUST choose a new direction. We have polled Umu Anioma and the greatest majority of Umu Anioma have resolved that we MUST choose one out of the 3 and we ALL must rally behind that strongest candidate and ensure his success going forward. The other 2 qualified candidates obviously will be accommodated in the scheme of things as there is no loser or winner. They are all winners. We cannot have all our well qualified candidates go into the primaries to contest against fake candidates that are sponsored by the Governor. Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan is still living a life of lies. The Ibori dynasty is built on rickety structure of falsehood. They talk about “Delta beyond oil” and if you visit Delta State you will not see any infrastructure or venture that backs that statement up. The insult on all our sensibilities by the Ibori dynasty MUST stop. To make matters worse, this corrupt Governor of the worst-governed state in Nigeria, decides all by himself that in a Delta State with one of the highest concentrations of Human Capital in Nigeria, the best we can do is a retired civil servant who put in 32 years of his life working as a Civil Servant without any political skills. C’mon now? Wetin we do these people? Folks, ask yourselves again…. Do you want to continue on the downward spiral with 8 (or 16) more years of Ibori dynasty that is characterized with mere rhetoric of a “Delta beyond oil”; or you’ll rather Deltans take a new direction with a champion of transformation leading our State to great heights like Akpabio did in Akwa Ibom? Long live Delta State! Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!! Prince Emmanuel O. Ohai Convener, Umu Anioma Worldwide E-Mail: convener@UmuAnioma +14042101822 (SMS Text only) cc. Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 09:37:21 +0000

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