Dear Grocery Store Spectators: Today my four-year-old threw - TopicsExpress


Dear Grocery Store Spectators: Today my four-year-old threw the mother, nay- FATHER of all temper tantrums. There was kicking. There was screaming. And at one point he was down on the ground: one can only assume trying to pull me down with him (good thing Ive got that nine-month-old on my hip to counterbalance my weight 😉). I could feel it instantly, your waft of judgment. But even before that happened I knew what was about to transpire- The quivering lip. The little beady eyes. The verbal disapproval of my purchases. I quickly hurry my 80-year-old grandmother out of the store and safely strap on my nine-month-old: its time for battle. My method of combat you ask? Silent and quick. I grabbed enemy number one by the hand and swiftly move through the aisles of the store. All the while, your stares became more apparent and the judgment more clear- your thoughts of never my child written all over your face. Not so fast my friends: he is your child. He is every child. He is every four-year-old. And (SHOCKER AHEAD) four-year-olds (even great ones like my sweet Josiah) have bad days too. And it is unfortunate that very bad days come out in the form of tantrums. Tantrums that cannot be predicted (SEE: Hyrums graduation night 2014 ). I know this to be fact just as I know the simple fact that no matter how I reacted I would be in the wrong. Damned if I did damned if I didnt. By scolding him I was a terrible angry mother. By allowing it to continue I was a passive mother who spoils her child. But what you dont know is that I was not avoiding disciplining my child. I left the store swiftly to avoid you and your judgmental stares. I did discipline my child. In my own home, privately, in the way that I deemed fair. The right of any mother out there to decide. So Friends the next time that you are out in the store and you hear a screaming child and you assume that the mother is bad - know that your judgment is duly noted and my hopes for you is that your precious angel quickly turned in to a wild wildebeest. On Behalf of all other REALISTIC, LOVING and GOOD moms out there, screw you spectators. Sincerely, The Honest Mom #LookAway #MindYaBusiness #LoveMyBoys
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 21:03:14 +0000

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