Dear Guy Who Emailed Me A Long, Angry Tirade Regarding My Writing: - TopicsExpress


Dear Guy Who Emailed Me A Long, Angry Tirade Regarding My Writing: I welcome those who disagree, and those who have viewpoints other than mine; I learn a lot from them. Further, I can appreciate your thoughts, and Im grateful you were compelled to write in to me—as reaching people on an emotional plane is part of what I strive to achieve. However, theres a couple of places in your letter where we dont really see eye-to-eye, and I wanted to call them out. When you wrote that I need to check to see if I have a set of balls and that Im pussy-whipped due to my stance on equality in relationships — you followed that up with telling me that you are a strong personality with even stronger opinions. See... I cant agree with you there. So, allow me to set the record straight for you— FIRSTLY: I can tell you that if I were, in fact, pussy-whipped, I personally cant think of anything better to be whipped with. SECONDLY: While you say you have a strong personality — From your correspondence, I actually dont see that you have one... strong or not. THIRDLY: I just checked... my genitals are just fine... but I appreciate your concern. AND FINALLY: What you call a strong opinion, most people refer to as a judgmental, egotistical prick who feels better when he attempts to compensate for his lack of knowledge and constitution—not to mention his blatant shortsightedness—by angrily and abusively writing letters based on misguided thoughts and a severe shortfall in self-awareness and self-esteem. THEREFORE: My humble suggestion is to take some time to review your life... perhaps take course in philosophy... or HELL... maybe even Charm School to start. But by writing to me with your anger, you are loosing your venom on the wrong person. Personally, I think you need a hug or a role model.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 16:50:01 +0000

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