Dear HA doctor, Re: Case No. HF...... I went to see - TopicsExpress


Dear HA doctor, Re: Case No. HF...... I went to see private detectives again on November 23, 2013 regarding Ms. Lui Siu Wah, Ms. Mary Patricia Gibson and Mr. George Charles Meleady Strachans estate worthed over HKD30,000,000. They said marriage certificate record of Mr. George Strachan in Hong Kong and U.K. would cost me HKD18,000. Investigation about Ms. Lui Siu Wah and Ms. Mary Patricia Gibson would cost me over HKD100,000 but would be less than HKD3,000,000. They said that lawyers found their service valuable. My friends said that I should find lawyer introducing detectives instead of the other way round. They stressed that everything needed money including justice. I told private detectives that I did not need Mr. G Strachans money and not going after justice. However, I strongly believe that whatever I could not have, Ms. Lui Siu Wah should not have as well. She might be a person created by lawyer Mr. Louis Fung or lawyer Mr. Law Sai Man or lawyer Mr. Christ Byrne in Canterbury/UK on February 13, 1998 for specific purpose/self interest. When I saw Ms. Lui Siu Wah the first time after the death of Mr. G Strachan, I thought she was Mr. Strachans spy handler. I strongly believe that Mr. G Strachan was a double spy working for both U.K./U.S. and Russia secrete service while working for ICAC undercover group in Hong Kong. Ms. Lui Siu Wah told me in 1998 that she was Mrs. Strachan. In 2010, she said she was just one of Mr. G Strachans women. She said Mr. G Strachan abandoned her after knowing other women in the past. Through ICAC Mr. Albert Lau and his head nurse wife, Ms. Lui said she got a house worthed HKD7,000,000 and the other properties under her name actually belonged to other ICAC staff sharing all Mr. G Strachans estate. I was also informed that a fortune teller Mr. Lai Ding Man died on November 18, 2013 and funeral service is holding now on November 25 and 26, 2013. I was his student learning face and body reading - the kind of reading that gamblers read their horces, cats and dogs before racing. My father/husband Mr. G Strachan said that I should trust no one but should appear trusting everyone. He also said that if I had nothing good to talk about, I should say nothing at all. He said giving a dog a bad name, the name could stick around for the rest of the dogs life. He said sending a mentally healthy person for serious mental illness treatment, the bad name (serious mental illness sufferer) could stick around for the rest of the persons life. He said they had a formula making people believe that they had serious mental illness (ie. break something; repair something; steal something and return stolen/lost item). He said he was a buttons and belt person which means that he was a very careful person when wearing his trousers using not only buttons but belt as well to secure his trousers. He must have a will somewhere. However, after such a long time, detectives said his will might have been destroyed by Mr. Louis Fung or Mr. Law Sai Man in Hong Kong or Mr. Christ in Canterbury. Mr. Lai Ding Man was introduced to me by my ex-Cathay subordinate Ms. Amy whom could speak fluent French. I paid him HKD300 for fortune telling and he told me that as I grew older, my life would become better and better. In 2007, he said I did not need to work soon and would have enough money to live on. When I got cheated HKD180,000 in 2007, he said I must fight and reported the estate agent Mr. Michael Cheung to EAA. He did not like communists and said no one could understand his deep sadness inside. He told me that he felt extremely lonely and all his face reading students meeting once in a month on Sunday were in fact not good to him except me and his neighbour Miss Bird. His son used to live nearby has moved away without telling him in advance which made him feel very sad. One of his grand children stopped him from going into a house which also made him feel very sad. He did not listen to radio and did not watch television and I know there is a book for those whom do not watch television to read. A blind lady told me that perhaps Mr. Lai could see ghosts through watching television. I became Mr. Lai Ding Mans face reading student in 2005. From my observation, he talked one thing to someone and could change what he has said completely the other way round in one minute. I was also Mr. Chu Churk Kius face reading student and I must say that I like Mr. Chus personality much more. Mr. Chu was born in a rich family in Macau and then taught at leftist school until the age of 60. Because of writing books and teaching fortune telling, he became rich in his 80s. Mr. Chu was my leftist high school teachers teacher. I was told that in Hong Kong, books about fortune telling and horce racing sell very well. Mr. Lai Ding Ming introduced a man to me and Miss Bird. The man who has connection with legal firm said hearing from what I said regarding the property transaction on Aberdeen Street, he knew right away that it was a trap cheating people money and I was not the first one losing HKD180,000. My ex-boss Mr. David Wong of Wong & Hui Solicitor firm advised me to cancel the transaction and not to sue the real estate agent and the vendor in court. In February 4, 2008, general doctor Mr. Ho Chun Ming and psychiatrist Mr. Tso K C did not spend time on me and ordered to tight me up in bed from 16:00pm till 23:00pm because I have seen psychiatrist Ms. Karen Shum Hau Yan one time. In January, 2008, private psychiatrist Ms. Karen Shum Hau Yan said I had serious mental illness because I have studied fortune telling. Whatever I said to explain myself, she did not want to hear anything from me. In Mr. Chus class, I did not go there learning fortune telling, I learned about how he became rich and how he looked at the world. He taught me that money was very important and people doing bad thing could become rich easily. He said I should stay working for Cathay Pacific as long as I could. The other reason why Ms. Karen Shum Hau Yan believed that I had serious mental illness was becaused I resigned from Cathay Pacific giving up my manager title. Looking back now, it was a right decision in January, 2008. I could not risk my retirement money HKD1,600,000 and life time discounted travel benefit. Now I have both in hand and living comfortably on rental income from my properties in Hong Kong and Mainland China without the need going to work at all. Friends have invited me giving a talk on property investment recently. In 2010 after me living in North Sydney for a year, I went to medical council making my complaint against Ms. Karen Shum Hau Yan. To my surprise, Medical Council protected doctors instead of looking into the matter. It was similar to the case that when I reported Mr. Michael Cheung of Midland Realty to EAA, I was being followed and threatened instead of Mr. Michael Cheung. Justice could be acquired through money and I dont want to waste my money any more. Private detectives said when there was not enough evidence, police and ICAC would not investigate about the death of Mr. G Strachan. Some how I know that Ms. Lui Siu Wah would not be able to enjoy the money in peace but if I could know the details, it would be better. I have given detectives details of Ms. Lui Siu Wah and the 7 Mr. G Strachans properties addresses. When I saw you on April 23, 2013, you wrote me a referral letter seeing Dr. KC Tso. I called Dr. Tsos clinic telling him that I wanted an explanation as to why I was admitted to PYNEH from QMH A & E Department and my insulting treatment on February 4, 2008. Firstly he informed me that he needed to wait for lawyers instruction. Then he informed me that his lawyer advised him not to answer any of my questions and not to see me at all. When I asked him if his psychiatrist license was given before February 4, 2008 or after February 4, 2008, he said he could not answer this question as well. I was humiliated by Dr. Ho Chun Ming and Dr. Tso K C of Hospital Authority on February 4, 2008. Could you help to mediate between me and Hospital Authority? I dont have the money, the time and the energy to go against Hospital Authority and Ms. Lui Siu Wah. What do you think Dr. Tso K C and Dr. Ho Chun Mings working flow chart and the way they handled me on February 4, 2008? Is it reasonable? I have make complaint against them to Hospital Authority but they just ignored me because I dont have much money and not qualify for the legal aid as well. I am very disappointed with the Hong Kong Society as I think many people living here are selfish. I plan to move to Taiwan or U.K. but I dare not living alone as I need someone to protect me for my personal safety. Before going away, I need to write my will so that I could enjoy life knowing that people after my asset could not touch my asset by killing me after giving me a label of serious mental illness patient. I suspected that Mr. G Strachan did not die on February 13, 1998 because he seemed saying goodbye to me subtly by showing me lots of his pictures in his thirties in Asia and thanking me for my accompany for all those years. He said someone stole his small items in the house at Flat 12/F., 90 Waterloo Road, Mongkok and he felt that it was not safe for him living in Hong Kong after 1997. He said that he provided food and shelter for Hong Kong domestic helper before and he had Chinese teacher teaching him Chinese and assisting his double spy work in Hong Kong. He said he had no other women but only me. He said if I saw him in the street with other women and men, I should pretend not knowing him because he might be doing his dangerous spy work. The detectives told me that they believed in what I told them. However, when I told them my experience on February 4, 2008, they said they would have to re-think about the whole case. Tonight, Miss Amy asked me going for Mr. Lai Ding Mans funeral but I am busy typing this letter. Then she asked me going to say goodbye to Mr. Lai Ding Man tomorrow morning but I told her that I have appointment with you. Mr. Lai asked me to pay over HKD40,000 for publishing his book and promised to let me write one page about me. After I paid the money to the book publisher, he did not want to have anything to do with me and did not allow me to write the one page in his books. Then I paid the book publisher over HKD20,000 for publishing my own book telling the public my experience with doctors and psychiatrists. After paying over HKD60,000, the book publisher has not returned my call. I told legislative council member Mr. Leung Kwok Hung about Mr. G Strachan. He said that if I knew Mr. G Strachan, he would have known Beijing Princess. Before my new life starts, I would like to make my mark. From February 4, 2008, I have been telling everyone that I have never had serious mental illness. I suspect that Ms. Karen Shum Hau Yan has serious mental illness. Because I have seen her, Dr. Ho Chun Ming and Dr. Tso K C thought that I had serious mental illness. Because I was detained in the mental illness ward, social worker Ms. Serena Fok that I had serious mental illness. The Hong Kong society is sick and I am happy to leave after explaining my point of view. The following letter was sent to my ex-colleague working for Wong & Hui Solicitor firm regarding my last consultation with general Doctor Edward Mark Fu Kwok for your reference. Best regards, Frances Eva Strachan (also known as WAN Yu Wah) cc Media in U.S., crime information Hong Kong, ICAC
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:19:18 +0000

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