Dear Heavenly Father, As we gather together today we pray for - TopicsExpress


Dear Heavenly Father, As we gather together today we pray for everyone who is in pain because of strained or estranged relationships. For all the families and relationships that are fractured because of divorce, addiction, rebellion, sin, abuse, misunderstandings, lies that were told or assumed...even for those who have no clue what caused the estrangement, Lord, we ask for miracles. We ask for peace. We ask for comfort and healing. We ask for confirmation that loved ones are safe. We ask that you would bind the enemy. We pray that you would soften hearts and let there be forgiveness and healing. May they find reconciliation before its too late. For those who need to be estranged because of abuse or because there needs to be tough love... we pray that you will bring comfort and healing as well. Bring healing and hope, Lord into each heart that is longing for things to be better... no matter how things work out, you are with us Lord... God, do what only you can. We know that everyone has free will, you never force anyone to do the right things and we cant either... but worry doesnt change a thing, prayer does... and people are powerless against our prayers. Help us to keep our eyes on you, Lord and not the sadness, hurts and losses of life. Lord, we know many are falling away from the faith...they are walking away from loved ones and they are shutting you out. We pray for those who are choosing to live in the world apart from you. We pray for those who think they have all the time in the world and they just want to do, what they want to do... now. Impress a sense of urgency on their hearts. Today is the day of salvation. May your Holy Spirit convict and draw them close to you, Lord. Father, may we fervently pray for the lost. Sometimes we are the only one standing in the gap for a lost soul...let us not grow weary in well-doing or grow so discouraged that we lose long as a person has breath, there is hope because of your unfailing love for us. You never give up on us, Lord, help us to have that same kind of passion for the lost. Father, there are so many forms of pain and suffering and our hearts ache as we watch the news... or even as we read the posts and comments that are left on my page every day. People need your healing touch, Lord. They need your guidance. They need your wisdom. They need to feel your hand on them in the dark, to reassure them that they are going to be okay. Help them to remember that we may be persecuted, but we are not destroyed...we may be weak, but you are strong...though our earthly bodys are wasting away, you are renewing us spiritually day by day. Father, we are joined together in your name...two or more are gathered and we know that you are in our midst...we are one in spirit...and we lift our voices saying worthy are you, the lamb that was your stripes we are healed...and if you are for us, who can be against us. Father, so many are looking for a touch for you...Lord, may we know you better...may we receive all that you have for us...may we find strength for our journeys... may we find peace in our spirits that allows us to praise you despite our pain...may we see a glimmer of things to come...may we find the hem of your garment and feel a touch from you today as we tenaciously cling to you. Lord, many are questioning you...they dont think they can keep carrying them that there is power in your name...what they cant do on their own, they can do through you... you woke them this day, so you have a purpose for them... you will provide all they need to get through this day and all they face... they need only ask you and rely on you. Bless each one here, Lord. May your face shine upon them...please meet every need according to your will and in your time. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. . . . Sent By Deserie Jameison
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 10:22:33 +0000

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