Dear Hitler Ahmedinejad P. Marois, How are you? Me, I’m barry - TopicsExpress


Dear Hitler Ahmedinejad P. Marois, How are you? Me, I’m barry fine. How is your Islamic wasteland of Jew-hating Quebecistan doing these days? Not so good eh? Huh? Yea? We Jews, we know full well what ethnocentric tribal fascist dictators like yourself do to polities for ineffectual reasons. They say people get the leaders they deserve. Your not the leader. Your not anybodies leader. You are a revolutionary street thug that pillaged a territory for over a year in order to get yourself into power. Us Jews, we don’t forget. We don’t forget the misery and poverty that dictators like yourself try to make others carry by robbing the industrious, yea, even into their private homes and estates, and the sheer theft of wealth you robbed from a whole generation by defunding and destroying the infrastructure of our universities and places of study. Your orchestrated moves to intimidate every form of citizenry that is not of your racist tribal nazi ilk or that would remind you to have a conscience is totally devoid of understanding. Regardless of symbolic pronounciations, your not a nation, but probably the largest and most pathetic reserve of foolish clergy on Earth, who still cannot find the means to do anything constructive but ruin the lives of your own progeny and fellow countrymen. Your cursed government is ruining crops and harvests, creating unprecedented unemployment, delivering your Gestapo police orders everywhere to English and Jewish households to rob us of our gold and money. Is is any wonder that you think you can keep this cruel regime going for another year. Once the American Republican army are finish with Taliban muslim intruders in America, they will proceed to make the North American Security Perimeter Safe for all the Tribes of Israel to live free from the threat of nazist Islamic aggression that you so readily import from everywhere around the world in order to preserve your useless and periodical French language identity issues. Repent and get with the program. Yes, that’s right Mrs. Hitler, your associates will be of no use once Texas shows you how to play hardball. There is a price to pay for trying to set-up your anti-American anti-Zionist Taliban state in the North of America by giving legitimation to terrorist groups who worship death and hold to Islamic death cults by strapping bombs to their children and all kinds of hideous uncivilized barbaric practices. Prepare for a meeting with destiny because just like 1713, 1763, 1813 and now 2013, you will finally learn to open and publicly read the Torah and God’s Word instead of your puppet ministers of False Religion that destroy lives and rape children. You wanted to associate with and justify street thugs and revolutionary vandals, and compromise the safety and sanity of law abiding citizens than you shall govern from the streets when every stone of your useless Assembly will be recalled to the quarry from whence it came because you do nothing but spend time legislating death and economic decline. I’m not scared of you or your secret murder police and death commandos. That way, you won’t have any more political opponents and you can pass all the Sharia laws you want to cut people’s hands and heads off. You try to take away our Torah and God’s sacred word in order to subvert justice and common sense with your corrupt and relativistic ministers of false Islamic religions who have hatred for all that is Holy. We are the Jews and no matter how much you try to kill and steal from us, the Lord God of Hosts, the Holy One of Israel, the King of the Jews, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace , Christ the Savior Himself, is going to show you what Power is. Before your dictatorial fascist rule of death is over, no one will want to associate or assimilate into your Islamic state which drives out every form of spiritual uplifting and strength out and tries to criminalize every private enterprise in your quest to tax people to death. Do you want to be worshipped Mrs. Hitler Marois? Even the Queen of England in her old age is prettier than you. You won’t be able to kill me or any Ancient Hebrews with your faithless communist anti-American government of illiterates who will soon meet the Rebellion Losses Act & the Hand of God who will once and for all teach you how to speak American.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:24:28 +0000

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